Coordination Meeting

CoMe #209

  • Date: 2021-09-13
  • Facilitator: Larissa
  • Notary: Antonin
  • Mika caretaker: Silvan
  • Levi caretaker: Janina/Silvan
  • Physical board caretaker: Maxime
  • Digital calendar: Tilmann
  • Reservation sheet purifier: Larissa
  • Present: Thore, Larissa, Maxime, chandi, romii, Luna, Tilmann, Janina, Antonin, findus

0. Check-in round

1. Last week review


usage graph last 90 days (Usage during the last 90 days)

  • Present: 16.0 people/day (+4.3)
  • ⚡ Electricity
    • usage: 5.96 €/day (⬇️-6%)
    • paid: -3.53 €/day
    • ☀️ self produced: 75% (⬆️+2%)
    • emissions: 12 kg CO₂ₑ/week
  • 💧 Water
    • paid: 3.57 €/day (⬆️+10%)
    • emissions: 2 kg CO₂ₑ/week



no income

Corona (Framework)

From Collective Agreements: If adjusted prevalence is < 0.1%, we have no formal restrictions. Current adjusted prevalence can be found here: click on "Details" in the "Step 1" column

  • Incidence
    • Germany: 90,6
    • Saxony: 32,5
    • Landkreis Leipzig: 21,7
  • Adjusted prevalence Saxony: 0,11%
  • µCOVIDs available last week: 5000
  • µCOVIDs used last week: 427.9018
  • µCOVIDS balance from last week: 4572
  • µCOVIDs additional this week: 5000
  • µCOVIDs available this week: 9572

Things that happened

In and around Kanthaus

  • A meeting about technical aspects of the upcoming roof month
  • Thore secured an onion gleaning possibility
  • Heated discussions about a potential spontaneous heat pump installation
  • KIDZ meeting, with sauna at VK
  • Summer came back and people did trips to the lake
  • Maxime was reaccepted as Member and Antonin became a Volunteer
  • JaTiMiLe left on a bike trip ... and came back in pain :(
  • Thore's parents visited briefly
  • Mattress from ex-food-storage dissolved and was disposed of
  • A lot of people are sick
  • A lot of food was saved
  • Levi got a lot of mosquito bites

In the wider world

  • 20th memorial of 9/11

2. This week planning

People arriving and leaving

  • Mon.: Zui and Marek come
  • Tue.: Nathalie leaves
  • Wed.: romii & findus leave, chandi for a night
  • Thu.:
  • Fri.: zui leaves, larissa leaves, andrea leaves
  • Sat.:
  • Sun.: zui comes back, larissa comes back
  • Mon.:
  • Some day: Bodhi arrives, Marek leaves, Luna leaves

Weather forecast

Hot and sunny until Wednesday, more rain and clouds towards the end of the week

Evaluations and check-ins

  • Romii Visitor : Days Visited threshold 22/21 (+5%)
  • Larissa Member : Absolute Days threshold 185/180 (+3%)

Due for evaluation soon (in the next 7 days, and seen within the last 7 days):

  • Janina Member : 1 days until Absolute Days threshold (180)


  • Monday

    • 10:00 CoMe
    • 15:00 Knowledge sharing: -
    • Park cars on even side [Maxime]
  • Tuesday

    • Restwaste [chandi]
    • 10:00 Onion gleaning [Thore]
    • 16:00 Romii's evaluation [Larissa]
    • Open Tuesday []
  • Wednesday

    • Park cars on odd side [Maxime]
    • 18:00 Landgut Nemt pickup [Antonin]
  • Thursday

    • 10:00 Power Hour [Fac.: Antonin, DJ: ?]
    • 15:00 Social Sauna [Tilmann]
    • 18:00 Foodsharing Wurzen meeting [Thore, Janina]
  • Friday

    • Organic waste [Antonin]
    • 12:00 Market Pickup [Andrea?]
    • Landgut Nemt pickup [Thore]
  • Saturday

  • Sunday

    • Landgut Nemt Pickup [Thore]
    • Evening: Campfire in the garden [chandi]
  • Next Monday

    • 10:00 CoMe [chandi]
  • Next week summary

  • Weeks until Roof month: 4.5!

to be scheduled: (when possible, avoid scheduling events at times that would conflict with being part of the cooking team: 17:00-19:00)

3. Shopping plans

  • About 9000 Euros for a heatpump heating system including a central warm water system for K20. See
    • no resistance now, but it can still be raised until Wednesday
  • [Janina] around 300€ for a door and some additional material to progress the breakthrough plans between elephant room and K22 staircase
  • [Antonin] around 400€ for frames to install roof windows (Eindeckrahmen) for the K20 street and garden sides (coordinated with Zui, Tilmann and Matthias, see

4. To do

Small fixes of things in the house

High priority

  • [ ] secure wash kitchen sink
  • [ ] secure k22-2 bathroom sink

Medium priority

  • [ ] More storage spaces for visitors
  • [ ] make k20 garden door easily closable from outside (or acquire a new door) -> apparently old door handle in workshop on left
  • [ ] fix loose table leg in Lantern
  • [ ] empty dry food storage shelf (find new places for the stuff)
  • Ventilation preparation:
    • [ ] Tear down chimney in Snack Kitchen
    • [ ] Tear down chimney in communal sleeping room
    • [ ] Tear down chimney in dining room
    • [ ] Tear down chimney in piano room
  • [ ] Kitchen shelf is slanting / leaning over
  • [ ] replace broken/string/toaster shoe rack spots [Andrea, Doug]
  • [ ] yellow bin in snack kitchen - new solution

5. Discussion & Announcements

Round 1

  • [Janina] Collective Agreements change: Votes on 'English as default language' and 'project focus' will start today! In some hours from now I will open the proposal phase and have it run for 7 days, so that next week in CoMe I can remind you again and the week after again. That way I want to make sure that nobody just forgets to participate. :)
  • [Larissa] Request from Max: anyone up for hosting?
    • chandi will host
  • [Antonin] Who would be up for flipping the compost with me?
    • happening spontaneously or next week (chandi, Larissa can be approached spontaneously, Thore more for next week)
  • [maxime] the yellow bin in the snack kitchen isn't very practical, would there be resistence against replacing it by a cardboard box, like in the dumpster kitchen
    • to be added to the todos
  • [chandi] KIDZ Meeting - Feedback

Round 2

  • [Janina] Participation in flea market in Wurzen on October 3rd? Conny Hanspach specifically asked if we want to contribute. I could imagine doing it, but not alone.
    • [Larissa] maybe?
    • [Maxime] for an hour perhaps?
  • [maxime] all paper bins are full, probably because not taken out 2 weeks ago (30/08) (?). As those bins are picked up on Mondays, CoMe is too late to attribute responsibility: could we try attributing Monday bins responsibility during the CoMe of the previous week?
    • [matthias] I am pretty sure they have been picked up. I filled one bin directly with paper standing in K22 entrance area, I guess somebody else filled the rest that was standing there then as well, e.g. two bins have been full shortly after the empty date.
    • [tilmann] there was a big backlog
  • [chandi] There is a lot of unwashed food downstairs! :tada:
  • [Tilmann] snack kitchen chimney teardown - not necessarily this week, but getting ready for it
    • Shouldn't take more than a day including cleanup
    • We would move essential equipment to the elephant room temporarily (fridge, toaster, minioven, microwave, tea, coffee, bread)
    • Do it when not many people are here, probably before roof month
    • [matthias] I'm in (if needed). This saturday seems empty? :)
    • [maxime] could imagine helping

Round 3

  • [maxime] people who have been sick should probably not cook in the next 24h, please set your unavailabilities accordingly
    • [matthias] I'd suggest not cooking before wednesday even...

6. Task lottery & food planning


  • Mon.: Antonin
  • Tue.: Thore
  • Wed.:
  • Thu.:
  • Fri.: Matthias
  • Open Tuesday:


  • Mon.: Tilmann, Janina
  • Tue.: Janina, luna
  • Wed.: chandi, romii, luna
  • Thu.: romii, luna, chandi
  • Fri.: Larissa, romii
  • Open Tuesday: Larissa, Janina, chandi, maxime, romii
  • Week: findus

End result

  • Mon.: Luna
  • Tue.: Thore & romii
  • Wed.: Maxime & Janina
  • Thu.: Tilmann & Larissa
  • Fri.: Matthias & chandi
  • Open Tuesday: Antonin

7. For next week

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