Coordination Meeting
- Date: 2019-04-29
- Facilitator: Matthias
- Notary: Janina
- Physical board caretaker: Nathalie
- Present: Silvan, Michal, Janina, Nathalie, Thore, Tilmann, Chandi, Matthias, Findus
1. People arriving and leaving
- Monday: Clara left
- Tuesday:
- Wednesday: Janina leaves until Saturday night
- Thursday: Foodsharing board members and MOVE people start arriving
- Friday:
- Saturday: Silvan and Matthias go to Auerstedt for the day
- Sunday: Foodsharing board members and MOVE people leave
2. Changes to Governance
3. Last week review
No gas usage for heating!
Present: 11.7 people / day ⬈ +4.43
Spent nights: 82 nights
Outdoor temperature (min|avg|max): 8.8 | 15.6 | 28.8 °C (7 days before: 4.6 | 14.5 | 27.6 °C)
Electricity usage: 2.77 € / day ⬈ +0.7 €
Electricity efficiency: 23.7 ct / day*person ⬈ -4.73 ct
Water usage: 2.75 € / day ⬈ +1.17 €
Water efficiency: 23.5 ct / day*person ⬊ +1.8 ct
- 50.50 €
Things that happened
- the BUND Wurzen group got accepted as a Bufdi Einsatzstelle!
- The free shop grand opening took place and many people came by!
- Tilmann established a jar norm
- Matthias installed a sound system in the electronics workshop
- Clara's mom came visiting for the first time
- Bodhi's dad came visiting again
- Heidi came by even though she cancelled her project plans in Püchau for now
- Silvan and Manu seperated many small plants and sowed more new ones
- Bodhi, Lise and Silvan saved a lot of jam, tissues and much more from Annik's grandpa's place
- Tilmann and Matthias did some preparation work for a permanent outside water tap
- We got a new hammer drill
4. Evaluations and check-in
- Findus
- Michal
- Silvan
5. Upcoming
- Weather forecast
- Monday
- 16:00 Findus evaluation [Matthias]
- 19:00 Women's choir [Janina]
- Tuesday
- 11:00 Kanthaus Sommerfest session / pad meeting
- 14:00 Festival orga exchange
- 16:00 Makerspace / Tüfteltreff / Repair Cafe [Matthias Silvan]
- 16:00 Fairteiler [Janina]
- 16:00 Verschenkeladen [Nathalie]
- Wednesday
- 10:00 Wupphours
- 16:00 Sharing event [Matthias]
- 17:30 Landgut Nemt via
- Thursday
- 10:00 Power Hour
- 16:00 Michal evaluation [Matthias]
- Friday
- 12:00 Market pickup via
- 17:30 Landgut Nemt via
- Saturday
- Sunday
- Next Monday
- CoMe facilitator [chandi]
To schedule
- festival austausch (foodsharing, MOVE, Auerworld)
- kanthaus sommerfest terminieren
- dinner lottery
6. Discussion (e.g. questions, proposals, updates, requests, etc)
- [doug] logo ukuvota proposal phase over! Let the voting begin
- [chandi] buying some oil
- options
- olive oil
- Non Bio/Discounter: 4,79€/l
- EU Bio: 6,78€/l
- Naturland: 9,58€/l (one time offer)
- sunflower oil
- Non Bio/Discounter: 0,99€/l
- EU Bio: 3,30€/l
- Demeter: 7,78€/l
- olive oil
- related arguments
- pro EU Bio
- no synthetic pesticides used
- no genetically modified organisms used
- no easy soluble mineral ferilizers used
- no food irradiation
- crop rotation
- pro Demeter
- no spinosad (insecticide, quite toxic against honeybees) used
- no fertilizer based on slaughterhouse by-products used
- whole farm (not just a product) fullfills the demeter principles
- no hybrid (F1) seeds
- pretty high standards in process, controls, management, social, biodiversity,...
- pro EU Bio
- some calculations
- we need approximately 1 liter of sunflower/rapeseed oil per week, with 4.3 weeks/month:
- Non Bio/Discounter: 4,26€/month
- EU Bio: 14,19€/month
- Demeter: 33,45€/month
- we need approximately 1 liter of sunflower/rapeseed oil per week, with 4.3 weeks/month:
- Olive oil will be bought in Demeter quality. Usage will be monitored for future estimations.
- Sunflower / rapeseed oil discussion delayed because it got too lengthy.
- There will be a pad where people can collect their research.
- options
- [Lise, Clara] a woman from Wurzen asked if we want to have a bed like the single bed in the sleep kitchen. She comes again sometime this week.
- We don't want it. If she comes back we'll tell her.
- [Nathalie] Workaway request Eva
- Nathalie will write her.
- [Nathalie] Foodsharing board meeting: Stefan would like a private room and warm water
- We give the private sleeping room to him and explain the battery light.
- [Janina] Daily backup dumpster diving people?
- Concern: Maybe we shouldn't replace motivation by coercion. Maybe the problem is somewhere else
- If we have more frequent communal dinners the topic will probably come up more easily.
- More comfortable bikes with hinges for trailers would also raise motivation for some.
- Sommerfest: Confusion about the date. 8.6. is Pfingsten (Holiday), 15.6. some people don't have time. Mini-Meeting tomorrow, 11.00
7. For next week
- [Matthias] Presentation on billing
- Monday: Silvan's evaluation