Monthly Foodsharing meeting


Every 2nd Thursday a month we host the monthly meeting of Wurzen's foodsavers at Kanthaus. We plan the future of local foodsaving, strengthen our community, share food and spend a nice evening together. Be part of it!

This month we'll already start at 5pm!

It's foodsharing February!

This month Björn and Janina will put their shoulders to the wheel! Over the course of the month they'll talk to as many stores and citizens as possible to make foodsharing Wurzen expand. We want to see it thrive and blossom and we hope the Wurzeners will help us do so! :)

Concrete topics of this meeting are:

  • summary of the planned actions & distribution of tasks
  • find more volunteers to roam the streets and talk to people?
  • organize saved food from Leipzig to distribute
  • discussing the current state of the FSP (FoodShare-Point) at Kantstraße 22
  • planning of the first ever foodsharing brunch on February 11
  • planning of the KifA (kitchen for all) on February 24
  • possibly more...

foodsharing February poster

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