Free shop is met with high demand
A radio piece made at the first ever Thursday morning opening time of the Kanthaus free shop.
Everything that is not labeled is public
Eine ethnografische Studie über Privatheit in einer funktionalen Wohngemeinschaft
(An ethnographic studie about privateness in a functional flatshare)
Master Thesis in Sociology. Lena Rothwinkler, University of Salzburg.
re-usable butt towels and kitchen wipes
re-usable butt towels and kitchen wipes
a simple, cost-effective, and beautiful way to use less toilet paper
A blog post by Rosano.
Just common care?
Kollektive Reproduktionsarbeit im Spannungsfeld von Kritik, Transformation und Utopie
(Collective, reproductive work in the tension field of Critique, Transformation and Utopia)
Master Thesis in Transformation Studies. Marie Marwege, University Flensburg.
Suche nach dem richtigen Leben im Falschen
A German blogpost detailing Tobi's experience of Kanthaus as part of their bigger tour through Germany.
100 Prozent
A German TV report about people who live without a boundary between work and private life. It features Kanthaus as well as two other projects.
Zusammenwohnen und alles teilen
A radio interview with Matthias by Deutschlandfunk Nova, which is primarily about living in Kanthaus and how we make it work.
MDR Radio: Die Graswurzener
Based on his feature from 2018 Jörg Wunderlich did another piece about us, our work and our way of life.
Wurzener Land Nachrichten: Verschenkeladen-Eröffnung
The local news portal Wurzener Land Nachrichten featured us in a nice article that informs about what we offer with our new concept of Open Tuesday.