Most things in this section are in German. We're very sorry for the potential inconveniences for non German speakers and added English summaries in some posts.

MDR Radio: Die Graswurzener

Jörg Wunderlich recorded his radio feature about Kanthaus, commons and foodsharing october 2017 until april 2018.

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LVZ: Foodsharing-Aktionsmonat

To promote the a month of activity for foodsharing in Wurzen we invited Stephanie Helm of the LVZ.

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MDR Hörfunk: Die Upcycling WG

Friederike Schicht came visiting at the end of November. She was with us for around half an hour and talked a bit to Matthias and Laurina. This talk resulted in the following radio report:

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LVZ: Retten und teilen im Kanthaus

After having written the article about foodsharing Wurzen, Christian Neffe was intrigued by Kanthaus and came by to realize an article that focused on our project house.

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LVZ: foodsharing in Wurzen

The following article was the first one that featured Kanthaus at all - this time only in the context of foodsharing Wurzen, which was initiated by our Members and Volunteers.

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