Coordination Meeting
- Date: 2019-02-25
- Facilitator: Nathalie
- Notary: Janina
- Present: Thore, Anja, Tilmann, Doug, Michal, Chandi, Janina, Silvan, Nick, Matthias, Nathalie
1. People arriving and leaving
- Monday: Anja is leaving today straight after CoMe
- Tuesday: Lise and Bodhi arriving, Silvan will leave in the morning and come back at night
- Wednesday:
- Thursday:
- Friday:
- Saturday:
- Sunday:
- Monday:
2. Changes to Governance
- none
3. Last week review
- Present: 16.7 people / day ⬈ +2.29
- Spent nights: 117 nights
- Outdoor temperature (min|avg|max): -1.3 | 5.9 | 14.6 °C (7 days before: 1.2 | 5.6 | 16.1 °C)
- Electricity usage: 5.4 € / day ⬈ +0.1 €
- Electricity efficiency: 32.3 ct / day*person ⬈ -4.43 ct
- Gas usage: 4.09 € / day ⬊ -0.12 €
- Gas efficiency: 24.5 ct / day*person ⬈ -4.68 ct
- Water usage: 3.66 € / day ⬈ +0.84 €
- Water efficiency: 21.9 ct / day*person ⬊ +2.34 ct
Income (please check the shoe and the box jar):
- no income
Things that happened
- foodsharing hack week took place in Kanthaus
- is open-source now and we had a great open-source party!
- lots of people participated in the wupp-hours and many things were achieved!
- work in the basement K22 continued
- first scaffolding elements were built up
- walls in free shop toilet were painted (..but the paint came off again :( )
- upper staircase toilet sink unblocked
- lots of foam transferred from the car to K22 attic
- alcohol storage sorted
- dragon room tidied up
- Tilmanns family visited and had a good time! We had a nice long walk to Spitzberg on Saturday
- Garden introduction and plan made by Janine
4. Evaluations and check-ins
- Doug Member : 5 days until Absolute Days threshold (180)
- Janina Member : 5 days until Absolute Days threshold (180)
- Silvan Member : 1 days until Absolute Days threshold (180)
5. Upcoming
- Weather forecast: Very sunny and dry at 0-15 degrees, a bit colder and cloudy (5-12 degrees) for the weekend
- Monday
- 15:30 Evalution Janina
- ~16.30-18.00 building material pickup in Altenbach/Machern [Matthias, Doug]
- 19:00 Women's choir [Janina]
- Tuesday
- 17:00 Repair Cafe [Matthias]
- 19:00 Fairteiler [Janina, Nathalie and maaaaaybe Matthias]
- Wednesday
- 10-11 Shoe-Boxes pickup [Chandi]
- 10:00 Wupphours
- 17:30 Landgut Nemt via
- after Dinner: Project Updates
- Thursday
- 10:00 Power Hour
- 12:00 Evaluation Silvan
- Friday
- 12:00 Market pickup (active again!) (managed via foodsharing)
- 15:00 roadmap review @ cloud room
- 17:30 Landgut Nemt via
- Saturday
- Sunday
- 15:00 sharing event @ cloud room
- Next Monday
- CoMe facilitator: [Janina]
6. Discussion (e.g. questions, proposals, updates, requests, etc)
- [doug] Kantstraße-18 letter review please
- [doug] roofing: I'm building plans, for the next seasons already
- [silvan] It is cool to have clean sofas so it is a little uncool to put shoes or dirty barefoot on them.
- [matthias/tilmann] brown bin emptying 28.2.! Matthias will try to think about it.
- [nathalie] When the bin is empty, will we use the compost again?
- [tilmann] Since we removed the threat we could do that, yes.
- [nathalie] We don't seem to have a clear outcome here. We should also talk to Bodhi, who did seem to have an opinion on this. Would be great if we could get to an agreement until Wednesday.
- [Lise/Bodhi?] kitchen pickup
- [doug] potential further discussion in #kh-kitchendesign
- [doug] washing-baton proposal: when you've had enough, give the gloves to someone else. In the next 30 mins, they should either start washing or give the gloves to someone else.
- There are some concerns it could be annoying, but we might try..?
- The main point is that sometimes the washing takes very long.
- [Nathalie&Lise] what to keep from month of calm
- opt-out cooking lottery?
- Yes, lets! (Doug, Janina, Tilmann)
- silence
- Cooks decide
- ❤ more sharing circles ❤
- There's already one scheduled for this week
- buffet-style for dinner
- Cooks decide
- opt-out cooking lottery?
- [?] Using the piano room as living room, When many people here (Luisas visit / weekend 15-17.3)?
- [Thore] What happens to the hackweek room now
- [Chandi] The monitors should go and I would really want to have more of a living room atmosphere there.
- [Janina] Yes, the monitors should go, but apart from that I think we will experiment with furniture there anyways.
- [Nathalie] There are different aspects to this, also depending on timeframes. Let's meet at 11:15 in the piano room to decide the immediate next steps.
- [matthias] coated pans (especially teflon) don't like high temperature (new pan already destroyed)
- [nathalie] Make a nice new sign?
- [doug] I have ideas.
- [tilmann] which pad for next CoMe? -> facilitator decides and announces in #kanthaus?
- [nick] The codimd pad on Kanthaus server is now managed by chandi, talk to him about it if necessary.
- [doug] @janina: pad link soon please :)
- [Tilmann] reminder about securing the solar battery pack in the office; would like to figure out solutions in next two weeks, otherwise remove it.
- [matthias] It's disconnected for now.
- [tilmann] We still should figure something out...
- There will be a party at Anjas Flat on 6.3. after GRASSI Museum. Who wants to join Museum, Party? (for logistic organisatzion)
- Luisas request: Heyhey! Friends of Mine and me want to make a street performance for the women’s strike at the 8th in Leipzig and need a place to be for 6 people from the 4th until the 9th! Could we stay at kanthaus?? :) warm greetings!
- [Laurina] will also be there, probably already come a few days before. Would be good to have someone else hosting as well. and then giving Luisa an answer
- [Tilmann] I replied and will take on hosting duties. Happy about support!
- [Chandi] I'm also happy to support.
- [doug] anyone else interested to do Melt?
- [Lise] there is a foodsharing group on this you want to go there with foodsharing or save things after the festival?
- [Nathalie] do we want to join a festival (with foodsharing) with kanthaus people?