Coordination Meeting
- Date: 2019-09-09
- Facilitator: Janina
- Notary: Janina
- Physical board caretaker: Tilmann
- Present: Thore, Nathalie, Lise, Matthias, Silvan, Bodhi, Katharina, Tilmann, Janina, Wolfi, John
1. People arriving and leaving
- Monday: Larissa and Richie will come
- Tuesday: Ari arrives, Lise leaves, maybe Clara comes
- Wednesday: Raphaela arrives, Clara will be here
- Thursday: Larissa and Silvan leaves, Janina and Ari leave
- Friday: foodsharing festival people come (~5)
- Saturday: Katharina and Richie leave
- Sunday: Thore leaves
2. Changes to Governance
- none
3. Last week review
- Present: 9.3 people / day ⬈ +0.86
- Spent nights: 65 nights
- Outdoor temperature (min|avg|max): 11.5 | 18.5 | 29.7 °C (7 days before: 16.5 | 23.6 | 34.0 °C)
- Electricity usage: 2.3 € / day ⬊ -0.26 €
- Electricity efficiency: 24.7 ct / day*person ⬈ -5.63 ct
- Solar intake: 1.61 € / day
- Water usage: 2.44 € / day ⬊ -0.07 €
- Water efficiency: 26.2 ct / day*person ⬈ -3.51 ct
- 15€
Things that happened
- We hosted the 1st foodsharing brunch after the summer break and 6 people came
- Afterwards we went to the summer party in D5 and enjoyed the performance of a frog
- Matthias added power controls to the snack kitchen boiler
- Reopening of the open tuesday with cake and many people coming by
- Bodhi came back from Leipzig with lots of food
- Tilmann installed electricity in the hipster room
- Lise removed wallpaper, EPS (styropor) and gypsum from around the hipster room window
- Thore and Nathalie fixed some more bitumen to the K22 roof
- We had the 1st foodsharing Wurzen planning meeting after the summer break and 7 people participated!
- Lise painted Moomins in the family room
- Valentin painted half an autumn tree in front of K20-1
- A group of people went to Möbelfundus
- The utopival people are back with some stuff and the KMW
- Matthias sealed the ceiling above the high bed in palm room
- Matthias made the paint in the palm room not come off the wall so easily anymore
- Nathalie and Lise finally emptied the Sauerkraut pot
4. Evaluations and check-ins
- Maxime Visitor : Days Visited threshold 22/21
- John_Bry Visitor : 4 days until Days Visited threshold (21)
5. Upcoming
- Weather forecast dry and warmer beginning tomorrow, generally dry and warm for the next two weeks
- Monday
- 17:00 John's research presentation (piano room)
- optional: tiny check-in/evaluation of John afterwards
- Tuesday
- 10:00 Baby circle (cloud room)
- 16:00 - 18:00 Offener Dienstag [Janina, Ari, Nathalie, Matthias, Bodhi]
- 16:00 FFF Wurzen plenum (cloud room) [Matthias]
- Wednesday
- 15:00 Kaffeekränzchen in D5 [Silvan, Thore, Nathalie]
- 16:30 Sharing event (cloud room) [Nathalie]
- 17:30 Landgut Nemt via
- Thursday
- 10:00 Power Hour
- 12:00 Maxime's evaluation [Nathalie]
- bring out yellow bags
- Friday
- 12:00 Market pickup via
- 17:30 Landgut Nemt via
- Saturday
- foodsharing festival retrospective meeting
- Sunday
- foodsharing festival retrospective meeting
- Next Monday
- CoMe facilitator: Bodhi
To schedule
- John's talk & evaluation
6. Discussion (e.g. questions, proposals, updates, requests, etc.)
- Results from Jahresplanungstreffen date vote:
- best day judging from the poll is Sunday September 22
- we'll just take it
- Tilmann and Janina feel responsible and will prepare something
- Baby sharing circle scheduling (Tuesday morning?)
- scheduled
- Meta Wupphours meeting on Wednesday 10:00; or do Wupphours instead?
- Bodhi would like to have one this week following the format we had before: meeting at 10 to give out tasks - especially tasks that are hard to do alone - and then just wupp for 2 hours or more
- 9:30 meta talk
- 10:00 wupp hour meeting
- Fair-Teiler Stadtfonds meeting?
- small meeting before Lise leaves
- Lise, Janina and partly Nathalie meet today for max an hour
- Sommerfest
- scheduled for September 28, please spread the news! :D
- Nathalie will write some mails (potentially using the mailing list)
- Nathalie will make advertisement material digitally available soon
- if people know artists that would want to contribute some music that would be highly appreciated
- John's research presentation
- scheduled
- Möbel-Fundus
- Bodhi wants to find people to make space in rooms and then pick up the stuff people seemed to like
- small coordination talk about this right after come
- Raphaela hosting
- Silvan finds another host for 4 days as soon as she's here
- foodsharing festival retrospective meeting
- cloud room for the meetings
- no people with strong need for private room, dorm and futon room/sleepkitchen for sleeping maybe?
- will be figured out with who's here on Friday
- they will probably bring some food
- all have been here before, things will be easy
- [silvan] Maike asked if she can live one/two Month at KH this winter
- would be cool to talk to her more to find out what she wants to do
- if cold is the only reason for her come it's not enough
- she can just come visiting and then we'll see
- [katharina] Kanthaus as Praktikumsstelle?
- needs to be investigated, Katharina will do it