Coordination Meeting
- Date: 2017-10-09
- Facilitator: Max
- Notary:
- Present: Laurina, Silja, Matthias, Mona, Doug and Max
1. People coming this week
- Silja
- Chandi
- Nick
2. People leaving this week
- Laurina and Silja on Thursday
3. New Volunteers
- Mona
- Max
4. New Members
5. Changes to Constitution
6. Changes to Collective Agreements
7. Information (e.g. announcements, events, etc)
- Waste collection: Yellow sack on Friday. (see
- Food pickups: Landgut Nemt on Wednesday at 18:00 and Friday at 18:30. (see!/group/28)
- No milk these days at Lantgut Nemt as it is the milk from the school and there is school holidays
- NDK event tonight (Monday) 6-8pm about clothes production (Laurina)
- Osina Wehner form the Tafel/Zuversicht e.V. coming on Tuesday at 5pm (getting to know us better, finding out more matches -> working together)
- Game night + food on Tuesday from 18:30, neighbours invited (Sven , Nicole and Maxi) + Osina Wehner (from the Tafel/Zuversicht e.V.) + Jule (from Villa Klug) + Jörg Wunderlich (who is a reporter and will do some recording if people give their consent)
- We can go to the small garden to pick up more stuff that the lady wants to get rid of (e.g. greenhouse, etc), today (Monday) at 14:00
- Meeting with Siri about funding on Monday 12:00, Laurina, Matthias and Mona are going
- Animal/ speciecism/ food talk from 10:00 to 12:00 on Wednesday (how to move forward with dumpsterdiving, cooking, eating and communication)
- Marcus comes on Wednesday at 13:00 to look at the wood structure of the roof
- Power hour moved this week to Tuesday 10:00
- Doug wants to do a 'share and tell' to give information about things he wants to give to the Commons, probably during/after some communal meal. (Doug)
- Doug made short doc to try and de-complexify food sorting/using by clarifying categories: Looking for feedback.
- Doug says that he will not commit to any tasks on Saturdays and Sundays
8. Discussion (e.g. questions, proposals, etc)
Invitation from Kleingarten association for Friday at 18:00 -> say hello, say a bit about ourselves (values, goals, how we work), get the connection, find out who they are, what conditions would be, what their limits are. Laurina and/or Matthias is/are going to send an email to the Kleingarten to check whether there is another possibility to meet them another time, if not somebody will go (Matthias, Doug?, Mona?)
proposal to make an informational sheet about the people involved, in private gitlab and folder in the house (, information (Laurina), people can feel free to answer/share any information they wish
proposal: to include 'concern' in our collective language. Whilst resistance means direct opposition to a stated action, a concern is a hypothetical opposition to a side-effect.
Commited tasks:
- Doug is going to clean the jars we collected
- Silje will prepare apple puree with the collected apples and pears
- (tasks people have said they want to do this week)
9. Next facilitator
- Matthias