Summer 2018 Roadmap meeting
- Date: 2018-06-06
- Notary: all
- Present: Matthias, Bodhi, Janina, Laurina, Tilmann, Doug, Silvan
This meeting was to pinpoint the tasks for the next three months. We had a separate Dreaming Day just the day before to really get down to the planning today.
Period of summer by Kanthaus definition: 2018-06-06 to 2018-09-01: 86 days, 12 weeks
Days we will spend at Kanthaus / we will spend doing planned roadmap work for Kanthaus:
Laurina: ~ 7 days / ~ 4 days
Matthias: ~50 days / ~ 18 days
Tilmann: ~ 63 days / ~ 21 days
Janina: ~ 63 days / ~ 21 days
Bodhi: ~ 30 days / ~ 7 days
Doug: ~ 25 days (+/- 10) / ~ 15 days
Silvan: ~30 days / 10 days
(We separated and thought about the two categories of tasks mentioned below for 45 minutes individually before talking about the points together.)
Tasks we want to personally commit to:
- concept for indoor compost toilets
- further sorting of random/half-sorted-stuff-storage and workshop (Tilmann, Silvan)
- have the Bufdi-Setup finished
- make greywater system more reliable
- werkstatt in k22-0-4 (former random stuff storage) (Silvan, Bodhi)
- move wood from furniture storage and K22-0-5 to shed
- clear furniture storage K22-0-1
- clear K22-0-5 and make arts & crafts room (Janina)
- collect water counter & gas counter values
- eigenverbrauchssteuerung mit boilern sobald wir einspeisen dürfen - tentative, no issue yet
- lüftung in communal sleeping room (Doug)
- dunstabzug in küche
- bessere schuhsortierung im eingang (Silvan)
- Foodsharing Grafitti (
- Basis Elektroinstallation K22 (in Zusammenarbeit mit Benji) -> 4 Tage / 40 Stunden
- Setzen Unterverteilung im Keller für Etagenabgänge sowie Keller/Treppenhausstrom -> 1 Tag
- Durchbruch in Keller für 2-3x 5x16mm² Kabel -> 2h
- Schlitzen im Treppenhaus zur Unterputzverlegung von Zuleitungen (+ Ethernet/Bus Kabel) -> 1 Tag
- Unterverteilung K22-0-1/2/3 an neue Zuleitung anschließen -> 3h
- kleine Unterverteilun K22-0-4/5 setzen -> 3h
- Material bereits vorhanden.
- Anmeldung Solaranlage (sofern irgendwie möglich...) -> theoretisch 1 Tag
- Heizungssteuerung (nicht roadmap relevant/kann überziehen: 7 Tage)
- Inverterreparaturen & Verkauf (nicht roadmap relevant/kann überziehen: 2-3 Wochen)
- 18: get an update before roadmap over (if not before) (0 - 2 hours)
- window openers: install for the next 5 most opened windows (2 - 5 hours)
- private room stuff: update info sheet with other room, install the other 3 rooms (3 - 6 hours)
- kitchen steel unit: proposal for first unit to exchange
- make svg floorplan of k20-1
- logo design and decision (+Silvan)
- catchphrase design and decision
- name for fairsharepoint/fairteiler
- name for freeshop/umsonst-laden
- write blog posts and take care that it's done regularly (e.g. by poking people)
- get in contact with Kleingärten to get more Kleingärtners to share their food
- make the Fairteiler nice and have it open regularly
- go through the communal closet and sort out loads of clothes... also make it seasonal, which means finding a space to store winter clothes
- get rid of the projects category on the website
- find a functional process for the power hour and write it down (Doug interested. Would be interested to try the 'sheet' approach...)
- refine governance and align the formal dimension with reality (statuses, responsibility, visitors and guests)
- empty the K22 basement (as prep work for the sports room! ^_^)
- empty K22-0-5 and transform it into an arts and crafts room (move sewing things there and stuff) (Tilmann)
- Helfen, dass Blogeinträge regelmässig werden, selber 2-3 Blogeinträge schreiben (ueber governance, vision, usw)
- Eingangsbereich K20: Schuhe, Jacken, mehr Licht, Wände streichen
- Draußen-Schlafgelegenheit (evtl unter Kirschbaum)
- Tür-Beschriftung
- Gas/Wasserzähler (Tilmann)
- Fassadengrafitti: mit Bauamt reden (, mit Roman & Corinna reden
- Gartenstühle Stofflehnen reparieren
- Kirschen ernten und einkochen und mappen
- Samen von Pflanzen im Garten sammeln
- Pfand und Glasmüll trennen und wegbringen
- KMW: Rost behandeln, Bremsen tauschen (Bodhi)
Tasks we want to be done, but which we can't/won't do ourselves:
- Kanthaus anniversary!
- Anniversary comparison video (i.e. following the video butze took to show the comparisons)
- website appearance (lots of vertical white space, very wide text, Slackin?) (please open issues, Tilmann could work on it or delegate)
- Inquiry about plug in solar system (Matthias should do this bcos he has more knowlage, but i'm happy to butt-kick him!),
- inquire about options for the roofs, balcony and instable basement wall, talk to experts and get their opinion
- get more food cooperations
- organize some events + acquire funding (e.g. more hackweeks, coding workshops, global priorities seminars)
- nextcloud file backups (+1 from Doug, Silvan interested.)
- get decision making working because ukuvota is down (use it more regularly or decide if not needed)
- build more shelfs in shed (Benji?)
- make hipster room usable & nice (Benji)
- improve wall insulation (Matthias, Bodhi interested in hearing the why)
- fix basement walls
- new logo for house and website (Doug+ Silvan)
- document out what people do here: personal sheet + picture in K20 entrance (Silvan, Janina)
- remove more wood in attics K20+K22
- fruit trees in our garden (+Silvan)
- LED lights in K22
Matthias: (nicht selbst/alleine)
- Anschluss Heizsystem K22 (kann in den Herbst Roadmap mit rein - hauptsache spätestens im Oktober fertig, sonst erst wieder im April :-)) (+benji?, bodhi)
- Aufstemmen Verbindung K20/22
- Anschluss Heizsystem, dazu Auftrennung in K20 nötig
- Dichtigkeitsprüfung System K22
- Etwa 300 Euro Materialaufwand + 2 Personen mit je 3-4 Tagen
- Anschluss Wassersystem K22
- nach Heizung recht einfach: 2 Personen 1 Tag
- Material bis auf Kleinigkeiten vorhanden
- Freilegen vom Stahlträger im K20 Keller vom Putz + eventuell neu einputzen (je 3 Stunden)
- Planung Dach(terassen) Konstruktion mit interessierten Menschen um mit nem Vorschlag an Architekten herantreten zu können (im Herbst/Winter reicht allerdings)
- Brandschutz / Umnutzung Dachboden als Wohnfläche?
- Planung Balkon
- Bauantrag? Hausverbindung? Größenbeschränkungen?
- strengthen the basement, or at least find out what really needs to be done about it and when
- inquire about the roof situation
- good tasks and Einbindung von Benji und co
- Guter Schaukasten an Hauswand (potenzielle Tansfer task)
- Balkonplanung?
- Application for Demokratie-Fonds (bis 20.000 €, läuft bis Ende des Antragsjahres)
- Strom & Wasser & Heizung in K22
- Waschmaschine hinter dem Haus wegräumen
Personal Issue Creation
- review existing tasks
- create new task or edit existing task and assign yourself
- use bullet points for bullet points; use tick-boxes for falsifiable sub-tasks
- assign yourself to issues you create
- if vague/creative create a 'definition of done'
- add to milestone only if you think it's achievable (estimate time, think about how much time you can enjoyably give)
- do it today! Or at least before the end of the week (Fridy 23:59) or else Bodhi will bite you hard (Janina will bite Bodhi)