Coordination Meeting
- Date: 2018-12-03
- Facilitator: Janina
- Notary: Janina, Bodhi
- Present: Matthias, Doug, Bodhi, Silvan, Lise, Janina, Natalie
1. People arriving and leaving
- Tilmann and Thore will come back on Tuesday (Tilmann arrives at night)
- Doug leaves on Tuesday evening, comes back on Thursday
- Larissa and Hans arrive on Thursday
- 6 undjetzt people will come on Friday./Saturday, some will stay until Monday
- Nathalie and Thore will leave on Sunday for a few days
- Silvan will leave on Friday
- Lise will probably leave on the weekend for HZ
- Bodhi will maybe leave on the weekend, maybe beginning of the week
2. Changes to Governance
- None
3. Last week review
Present: 8.0 people / day
Spent nights: 56 nights
Outdoor temperature (min|avg|max): -2.9 | 4.1 | 12.6 °C (7 days before: 1.1 | 4.3 | 10.5 *C)
Electricity usage: 3.8 € / day (7 days before: 3.93 € /day)
Electricity efficiency: 47.5 ct / day*person (7 days before: 41.1 ct)
Gas usage: 4.32 € / day (7 days before: 4.21 € /day)
Gas efficiency: 54.0 ct / day*person (7 days before: 44.0 ct)
Water: 2.23€/day (7 days before: 2.06€/day)
Water efficiency: 27,89 ct/dayperson (7 days before : 21.45 ct/dayperson)
Gas bottles bought (€12 each): 0
Income (please check the shoe, the box and the account): 15€
Chandi and Janina presented their ultimate endgame room planning proposal to an appreciative Kanthaus-crowd.
Silvan and Chandi hosted an acroyoga event.
We had the first real heart-sharing circle in weeks.
Nathalie and Thore went to a bakery to try and establish a foodsharing cooperation.
Alexandra Yepes interviewed 4 of us and recorded quite some video material, which she is happy to share.
We held a spontaneous meeting on heating policy.
Matthias installed traffic lights in the bathroom to enable us to close the door while still using the room together.
Bodhi attended a traffic transition meeting in Leipzig.
Thore and Lise went to the first ever foodsharing academy over the weekend.
We had the first personal projects update presentation in months!
We have an advent calendar and so far no bag was empty... ;)
4. Evaluations and check-ins
- Jasmine soon is due for Visitor evaluation (5 days to go)
5. Schedule and commitments
- 19:00 Acroyoga in der Wurze in Leipzig: Silvan
- 14:00 Pödi lebt meeting: Bodhi
- 8:00 Autumn Roadmap Review
- 17:00 RepairCafe: Doug
- 19:00 Fairteiler: Lise
- 15:00 Sharing event ?
- 17:00 AcroYoga: Silvan, Chandi
- 10:00 Power hour
- 17:00 Feuerzangenbowle prep start
- Gelber Sack
- 10:00 Winter Roadmap Planning
- 11:00 foodsharing leftover brunch: Janina
Next Monday:
- CoMe facilitator: Doug
6. Food planning
- Sushi. Don't take too much, it spoils easily! Have a close look before eating - especially at the avocado pieces!
- There still is a pit of chopped veggies, which really need to be cooked!
- Bodhi would like to make a BBQ sometime this week.
- Feuerzangenbowle on Thursday will need some food preparation.
7. Heating planning
- Cloud room for having calls (today)
- Living room cozily
- Kitchen similar
- Snack kitchen as mold counter measure
- Bathroom to 12°C
- Right now the heating runs from 7:30 am to 10:00 pm, which could be too long..?
- General heating periods will be closely monitored and possibly adapted
- There is interest to do curtain research and prototyping
8. Discussion (e.g. questions, proposals, updates, requests, etc)
- Roadmap review and planning!
- Scheduled!
- More thoughts on default heating policy
- Functional heating (rooms that fulfill purposes no other room fulfills can be heated when needed)
- Turn down radiators in the offices when the last one goes to bed
- Turning down means snowflake if the room gets heated again in the next 24 hours, otherwise it's 0.
- Always properly ventilate when you turn off a radiator! (meaning: ~5 minutes)
- undjetzt?! meeting (hosted by Matthias)
- They probably want to use the cloud room
- Larissa joins for food prep
- Doug is looking for a watch to wear on his arm
- Lise has one and will give it to him
- New electronic bathroom occupancy indicator
- Matthias wonders if there's more need for explanatory signs and stuff
- Responses are very positive so far, just the bright light is missing - now even more, because there's a switch that doesn't work. Thore's allergic reactions got worse since coming here and he'd like to find out more clearly what is causing it. To make this more easy Nathalie asks if it's okay to claim a room to be able to control another variable. The palm room is a hot candidate.
- General understanding and willingness to cooperate in the round.
- Yesterday Matthias discovered mold in the upper staircase toilet. Please leave the door of this tiny room open after leaving the room!
- Janina will remove the wallpaper close to the window.
- Doug proposed to plan one week more in advance. We could try it out and see how it works.
- Janina thinks it would be helpful to navigate around all the recurring things more easily.