Coordination Meeting
- Date: 2020-04-13
- Facilitator: Felix
- Notary: Tilmann
- Physical board caretaker: Thore
- Digital calendar caretaker: Doug
- Discussion timekeeper: Nathalie
Present: Felix, Anja, Tilmann, Doug, Janina, Maxime, Clara, Thore, Lise, Larissa, Nun, Bodhi, Zui, Silvan, Nathalie, Matthias
1. Last week review
Daily averages for last week
(Usage during the last 90 days)
- Present: 16.9 people / day +0.9
- Average outdoor temperature: 15.2 °C +6.9 °C)
- Electricity: 5.24 €; 31.1 ct / person -6.8 ct
- Gas: 0.02 €; 0.1 ct / person -17.8 ct
- Water: 3.59 €; 21.3 ct / person +1.8 ct
Total cost per person per day: 52.48 ct -22.82 ct
- Electricity donated by sun: 1.63€/day
Done Expenses
- 15 Euro for getting rid of Bauschutt
- 12 Euro for vinegar: apple, Balsamico
- Not checked
Team updates
Roof (Silvan, Tilmann):
- overview presentation got everyone up to speed and sparked new interest in the topic
- got reply from statics person so we know what to do now
- want to have a fixed plan on what/how to do by the end of this day
Stuff (Bodhi, Matthias, Thore, Chandi):
Rooms (Nathalie, Janina): none
Other things that happened
- Garden power hour (Mo)
- Garden party with event tech knowledge sharing (Mo)
- we got rid of a lot of Bauschutt - again (Tu)
- people inspected building for Projektschmiede
- about 1000kg of Oatly products arrived (Wed)
- presentation on molecular simulations
- Session about critical masculinity & patriachy (Fr, facilitated by Zui)
- Tilmann presented situation and plans for roof construction, discussion (Saturday)
- Foodsharing Brunch online with families and friends (Su)
- Easter eggs found (Su)
- Video-call with yunity-friends
- communal closet trouser sale happened
2. People arriving and leaving
None due to Corona.
3. Upcoming
Weather forecast
- a little less summer but still sunny for the next weeks, but it is not gone. Please take into account when opening windows: Keep them closed when it is cold!
Evaluations and Check-ins!
- Monday
- 10:00 CoMe
- 16:00 Knowledge sharing session, today's topic: Guitar/ basic music for beginners [Nathalie]
- Tuesday
- 10:00-18:00 Chimney removing whole day
- 10:00 Newspaper gathering action [Doug]
- 18:00 Roof support coordination kickoff, piano room [Janina]
- 20:30 no gods, no masters: Film about anarchy, part 1, piano room [Doug]
- Wednesday
- 16:00 Felix Evaluation [Tilmann]
- 17:30 Landgut Nemt pickup via
- Thursday
- 10:00 Power Hour Fac.: [Bodhi] DJ: [BodhiBoomBaum]
- 15:00 Sharing event [Nathalie]
- Friday
- 10:00 Corona meeting [Maxime]
- 12:00 Market pickup via
- 15:00 Fish Bowl: Activism and Corona
- Saturday
- 13:30 Landgut Nemt pickup via
- Sunday
14:00 FFF meeting in cloud room
- Next Monday
- CoMe facilitator: Matthias
to be scheduled:
4. Announcements
- there is still food to be washed - please do it today before it smells!
- [maxime/doug] in an effort to make room in the storage, we would like to try to use all the capsules before opening a new coffee bag.
- [Doug] Hands up ppl interested to help improve what is currently the freeshop lounge.
- [Matthias] Water tap is not saving water in the kitchen: do not waste it
5. Shopping plans
- [Matthias] roof stuff for 1000-2000€ (this time for real :) )
- Dishwasher powder:
6. Discussion (e.g. questions, proposals, etc.)
- [Tilmann] Try out lunch lottery instead of dinner lottery: try out for 1 week. Goal: 13:30 lunch ready
- [Janina] Gemök update presi?
- when ready, maybe next week
- [Tilmann] To speed up house renovation: motivation to get more funding?
- maybe something comes out of the roof support meeting, otherwise later
- [Matthias] Building a roof on the "roof tile storage". Maybe roof design workshop in the next months?
- general interest, no general concerns.
- [Matthias] Tearing down chimney in K20-2-1 (Bathroom) tomorrow?
- [matthias] the day. Appreciate 3-5 people helping (2 ppl teardown/packing bags, 2-3 ppl bringing stones out/down)
- -> yes, happening
- [Tilmann] shortages update: toilet paper, flour, oats?
- looking for a Quetsche to make flakes from grains
- [Clara] How to continue with WWF Youth Article?
- go ahead, we try to get the article before it is being published
- [Clara] I would like to remove at least one sound system from the fansipan. I would propose to move the one on the desk to the Hipster Room. Resistance?
- no resistance
- [maxime] can we/should we do something about all the flies in the Biomüll and the compost?
- might be too moist
- try to put less moist things on there, put it in bio tonne instead
- bio tonne also has a lot of flies, no ideas so far...
- [Anja] Communal smartphone for KH-Instagram?
- Bodhi is not motivated anymore to setup a phone
- Continue as online discussion
- [Bodhi] I built a shelf for clean Boxes dumpster kitchen. Please use the clean boxes only for clean food and laundry! Use dirty ones for dumpster diving!
- Bodhi is willing to regularly clean the clean boxes thoroughly :-)
- [Bodhi] Drying dirty clothes/towels/etc. on laundry-line
- Over the last weeks, dirty clothes (e.g. workshop, tissues, towels) have been hanging on the normal laundry line. Please put a sign "Dirty clothes" or hang them somewhere else!
- [doug] After CoMe, I'm going to clean all the room reservation sheets except dorm. Might be nice to do that every week after CoMe.
- [matthias] rather include it in power hour?
- [janina] power hour is thursday, that would make it a bit confusing. I support monday.
- [matthias] the display is 7 days floating time range - it is at no point clear what to remove and what not (except the date is filled in properly). The day does not change the problem...
- [Anja] I'd like to install proper curtains in rooms (especially The Private and Cloudroom) -> which material? drilling okay?
- [matthias] Bauhelferunfallversicherung
- I am going ahead with the 500€ offer tomorrow morning. See #kanthaus thread from 2020-04-07 if you want to comment
7. Lunch lottery/food recommendationabriss
Run lottery:
8. For next week
- [Doug] evaluation next Tuesday in morning