Coordination Meeting

CoMe #290

  • Date: 2023-04-24
  • Facilitator: Larissa
  • Notary: Janina
  • Children caretaker: Kita
  • Physical board caretaker: Anneke
  • Digital calendar: Martin
  • Reservation sheet purifier: Janina
  • Present: Larissa, Martin, Anneke, Tilmann, Silvan, Janina

0. Check-in round

1. Last week review


usage graph last 90 days (Usage during the last 90 days)

  • Present: 2.7 people/day (-8.7)
  • ⚡ Electricity
    • usage: 35.93 €/week (⬇️-1%)
    • of that for heating: 14.02 €/week
    • of that for hot water: 1.41 €/week
    • paid: -12.98 €/week
    • ☀️ self produced: 82% (⬆️+13%)
    • emissions: 17 kg CO₂ₑ/week
  • 💧 Water
    • paid: 10.85 €/week (⬇️-31%)
    • emissions: 0.8 kg CO₂ₑ/week


  • 160€ ventilation parts for attic, baby bathroom, piano room [tilmann]
  • 195€ four F7 fresh air filters [tilmann]

Other Income

Things that happened

In or around Kanthaus

  • project updates
  • Lise cut the plum tree
  • nice summery BBQ with drinks around the fire afterwards
  • SiLa took MiLe to Auerstedt for the weekend
  • almost everyone in kh went to punkrock-tresen for unkrauts birthday

Wider world

  • agreement in ver.di strike season for public service work
  • wars are going on, no end in sight

2. This week planning

People arriving and leaving

  • Mon.: Gaia_WA arrives, Clara_Jena might stop by
  • Tue.: Maxime arrives, kito comes back
  • Wed.: two people and a baby spend a night, Anneke leaves
  • Thu.: kito leaves
  • Fri.:
  • Sat.: Franzi comes by for the weekend
  • Sun.: Antonin and Naomi_FQ arrive, kito comes back
  • Mon.: rest of Feuerqualle group arrives
  • Some day: Olli+2? People for A-Days?

Weather forecast

Colder again, rain and clouds, then sun again towards the end of the week

Evaluations and check-ins

  • Tilmann Member : 4 days until Days Visited threshold (180)


  • Monday

    • 10:00 CoMe [Larissa]
    • Monday food care [Martin, Janina]
    • 18:00 Vegutopia KüfA @D5 [Anneke]
  • Tuesday

    • black bin [Larissa]
    • 13:00 FGNW meeting in Dragon Room [Janina]
    • 15:00 - 17:00 Open Tuesday [lottery]
    • ~21:00 Anneke's backstory
  • Wednesday

    • 10:00 attic work session
    • 19:00 Punkrock-Tresen @NDK
  • Thursday

    • 10:00 Power Hour [Larissa]
    • 15:00 Social Sauna [?] lack of people to participate and facilitate
  • Friday

    • organic waste [Janina]
    • 10:00 Tilmann's evaluation [Janina]
  • Saturday

    • 10:00 attic work session
  • Sunday

  • Next Monday

    • 1st of May holiday
    • 10:00 CoMe [Tilmann]
  • Next week summary

    • Friday (May 5th) PlaMe

To be scheduled:_ (avoid conflicts, e.g. cooking team: 17:00-19:00)

  • Proposals:

3. Shopping plans

  • [Silvan] about 62€ spare parts for borrowed Auerworld battery drills
    • no resistance, Tilmann has some plans of fixing and will talk to Silvan

4. To do

Newest tasks on top

  • [ ] fix the extension to the shortterm storage to the wall next to the main bathroom
  • [ ] flip the compost
  • [ ] give away saved windows in K20 basement (a lot) maybe (martin)
  • [ ] give away roof windows (outside, under green tarp next to palettes)
  • [ ] give away roll of Dampfsperre
  • [ ] give away 2 rolls of Unterspannbahn
  • [x] check all fire alarms [Martin]
  • [ ] check fire extinguishers [Antonin]
  • [ ] treat mold in Freeshop Lounge and Hipster Room
  • [ ] de-clog compost toilet drain
  • [ ] modify the task lottery to prioritize open tuesday []
  • [ ] replace shower curtain by (plexi)glass construction
  • [ ] renew the "Kanthaus"- sign on the Kanthaus [Kito]
  • [ ] grout the mosaique in the K20-2 bathroom []
  • [ ] light: freeshop hallway
  • [ ] light: K22 garden door
  • [ ] continue Grundstücksverschmelzung K20 + K22 (combining both properties) [Larissa]

5. Discussion & Announcements

Round 1

  • [Martin] Smoke detectors report. All existing SDs seem to work, yay! Rooms without: both basements, freeshop, lounge, intermediate, both kitchens, ex-food storage, private, dorm, yoga, and the attics. There is just one in a staircase, in front of the private. Finally, there are two spare SDs that can be used. So, which of these locations should have a SD? Any resistance to some randomized tests? They cost around 10euro a piece.
    • no resistance to tests
    • last two SDs maybe to dorm, attics, basement
    • buying more is also fine, some spare ones could be good
  • [Antonin] the Feuerqualle group would like to reserve the Dragon and Cloud rooms from Monday to Wednesday next week.
  • [Janina] the small potatoes are sprouting. anybody up for putting them up on kleinanzeigen as seedlings?
    • Larissa can do the coordinating, other people can also be tasked with opening the doors
  • [Silvan] can Kanthaus fix the Auerworld power drills, please?
    • all AW tools will go to Auerstedt in the beginning of June, then everything should work
    • Silvan will inventorize, then people can help fixing

Round 2

  • [Antonin] there is the general assembly of our association Haus Kante Wurzen on 7th May. The board of the association will be renewed during that meeting. The current board members are: Larissa, Zui, Silvan and Doug. Maybe it's good if volunteers and members think in advance if they could imagine joining (or stay on) the board? (background: because there is a protest in the Lausitz on that day I am worried not many show up to that meeting)

Last spontaneous points?

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