Coordination Meeting

CoMe #330

  • Date: 2024-01-29
  • Facilitator: Janina
  • Notary: Kito
  • Physical calendar: Dorota
  • Digital calendar: Tilmann
  • Task board: Dorota
  • Reservation sheets: Kate
  • Weather forecast: Tilmann
  • Present: Janina, Tilmann, Dorota, Kate, Astrid, Kito, Casper, Riell

0. Check-in round

1. Last week review


usage graph last 90 days (Usage during the last 90 days)

  • Present: 9.9 people/day (-3.7)
  • ⚡ Electricity
    • usage: 92.7 €/week (⬇️-34%)
      • of that for heating: 63.2 €/week
      • of that for hot water: 1.53 €/week
      • of that for K20-3 heatpump: 1.97 €/week
    • paid: 79.29 €/week
    • ☀️ self produced: 35% (⬆️+23%)
    • emissions: 74 kg CO₂ₑ/week
  • 💧 Water
    • meter broken


  • [tilmann] 57€ Lightning wheel parts
  • [tilmann] 21€ parts+spares to improve K20-3 heatpump defrosting behavior
  • [janina] 25€ for spreads, lentils, rice, margarine


  • no, but also not checked

Things that happened

In or around Kanthaus

  • our window was broken
  • more FFJ-preparations were done e.g. second dining room, tidying up piano room
  • new bed in dorm
  • some people attended a really nice concert in NDK
  • few people during the week but a lot of visitors on the weekend
  • very casual project updates
  • the Mulde Palace grew! will there be another house warming party?

Wider world

  • the bahn strike is over sooner then expected! trains are going again already!
  • 1.5°C threshold was met by some measurements

Popcorn of feedback

  • [kate] thanks to everyone for support during not so easy times
  • [janina] I've not been focussed on tidying up behind the kids during the last weeks, it will change again, but if you are annoyed, you can tell me
  • [riell] please be aware of putting the plastic trash actually in the bag and not next to it
  • [dorota] I left a box with a watch in the workshop, I will move it this week.

2. This week planning

People arriving and leaving

  • Mon.:
  • Tue.:
  • Wed.: Larissa might be in LE until Friday afternoon
  • Thu.: Irene_WA arrives, Kito's group arrives and leaves, Martin arrives, Dorota leaves
  • Fri.: Emmi arrives
  • Sat.: Jojo, Lio arrive
  • Sun.: FFJ arrives
  • Mon.: Dorota comes back
  • Some day: Astrid might go for some days towards the end of the week

Weather forecast

very sunny in the beginning of the week, more cloudy and rainy later. cold but not freezing anymore. not much wind.

Evaluations and check-ins

  • Thore Visitor: Days Visited threshold 43/21 (+105%)
  • Nathalie Visitor: Days Visited threshold 42/21 (+100%) - Riëll Visitor: Days Visited threshold 41/21 (+95%)
  • Kate Volunteer: Days Visited threshold 76/60 (+27%)
  • Tilmann Member: Days Visited threshold 221/180 (+23%)
  • Janina Member: Days Visited threshold 192/180 (+7%)


  • Monday
    • 10:00 - CoMe [Janina]
    • 11:00 - Power Hour with new sheet!
  • Tuesday
    • Black bin [Tilmann]
    • 11:00 - Tilmann's evaluation [Janina]
    • 15:00 - 17:00 Open Tuesday
    • 16:00 - Offener Schreibtreff (open writing meeting) @Mitmachcafé (FLINTA* only)
    • after dinner: window exchange fishbowl [Tilmann]
  • Wednesday
    • 08:15 - 12:30 - K22-3 work session [Tilmann, you?]
    • 12:00 - 17:00 - MitMachCafé
    • 18:00 - Punkrocktresen
  • Thursday
    • 13:00 - 18:00 - MitMachCafé
    • 18:30 - FLINTA* thai-boxing @d5
    • Supermarket pickup x2 [Tilmann]
    • 18:00 - 60k on the streets, what now? @Raum der Zeit, Leipzig [Kito]
  • Friday
    • Organic waste [Janina]
    • 10:00 - Social Sauna [Kito]
    • Local store pickup [Janina]
  • Saturday
    • Supermarket pickup [Janina]
    • Dairy pickup [Janina]
  • Sunday
    • 14:00 Demo against the right @Grimma market square [Kito]
  • Next Monday
    • 10:00 - CoMe [Kate]
  • Next week summary

Hats for the week

  • E-Mails: Janina
  • Telephone: Kito


Open Visitor Request


  • Irene [Janina]
  • Astrid [Kito]
  • FFJ [Kito]

3. Shopping plans

  • [Antonin, Tilmann] up to 800€ for a new window
    • we will discuss on tuesday

4. To do


  • Main bathroom: cover live wire [Tilmann]


5. Discussion & Announcements

Round 1

  • [kito, Dorota] 'Theory of Change' workshop. Let's have it instead of Project Updates on the 23rd of February?
    • will take 2 hours
    • people who present theory of change of a/their project needed
      • Kate and Janina interested
    • no resistance, even support
  • [tilmann] will rebuild Lightning back wheel: keeping the motor, replacing rim and spokes. Are you interested to watch or participate? Hopefully won't take more than a few hours in total.
    • could be on the weekend or next week
    • riell is interested if here
  • [dorota] If anybody wants to participate in a similar way in fixing the Daria trailer back light today or Wednesday, let me know!

Round 2

  • [kito] several constitution and collective agreement changes in the pipeline. can we just start with one to not have them piling up?
    • private stuff (CollAgr)
      • [Janina] Ukuvota is already ongoing. Voting phase starts today.
    • deadline of having an evaluation after threshold expires (Const)
      • [Janina] could be next in line..?
    • Alumni (Const)
      • [Larissa] I'm waiting until more urgent decisions have been made
      • [Kate] I think it's fine to start now already
      • [Janina] Could be also combined with the point above about evaluation deadlines
    • DNA implementation (Const or extra)
      • [Janina] I would say it needs more discussion first
  • [kito] FFJ next week - Q&A
    • if you have questions, please approach me!
    • would be great to have as many KHians available as possible on Monday afternoon from 3 pm on
    • [Kate] name badges could be cool for the 1st days, for us and FFJis as well
      • [Kito] is on my prep task list
    • for 2nd week: we'd like to move power hour for FFJis to the afternoon because of time collisions
      • [Riell] we could also move come and power hour an hour earlier
      • [Kito] will ask on Slack

6. Task lottery & food planning


  • Mon.: Janina
  • Tue.:
  • Wed.: Casper
  • Thu.:
  • Fri.: Kito
  • Open Tuesday: opentuesdaykate


  • Mon.: kate
  • Tue.:
  • Wed.: Riell, Astrid
  • Thu.: kate, Riell, Astrid
  • Fri.: Astrid
  • Open Tuesday:
  • Week: Tilmann, Dorota


  • Mon.: Janina
  • Tue.: Astrid
  • Wed.: Casper
  • Thu.: Kate
  • Fri.: Kito
  • Open Tuesday: opentuesdaykate, Riell

7. For next week

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