Coordination Meeting

CoMe #345

  • Date: 2024-05-27
  • Facilitator: Janina
  • Notary: Kito
  • Physical calendar: Moritz
  • Digital calendar: Tilmann
  • Todo board: Riell
  • Weekly reservation sheets: Riell
  • Weather forecast: Janina
  • Present: Janina, Astrid, Riell, Lips, Moritz, Tilmann, Rob, Kate, Kito

1. Last week review


usage graph last 90 days (Usage during the last 90 days)

  • Present: 15.1 people/day (-0.1)
  • 🌡️ Average outdoor temperature: 18.2 °C (-0.3 °C)
  • ⚡ Electricity
    • usage: 20.59 €/week (⬇️-13%)
      • of that for K20 warm water: 1.36 €/week
    • paid: -41.57 €/week
    • ☀️ self produced: 75% (⬆️+1%)
    • emissions: 14 kg CO₂ₑ/week
  • 💧 Water
    • paid: 17.72 €/week (⬇️-24%)
    • emissions: 1.4 kg CO₂ₑ/week


  • apperently not


  • 173€ in the "shoe" (wow!)

Things that happened

  • Mitmisch Festival in Harzgerode last week, followed by:
  • a completely uncoordinated week!
  • merry maggot mess was successfully finished! :pray:
  • exhibition about sustainability concerns of textiles was opened with a great clothes swap in the church
  • the great card game mao was introduced to more people
  • anti airport festival
  • different posters and flyers were distributed
  • vladen rennovation underway and a new local volunteer recruited

Popcorn feedback

  • [Janina] Used knives and cutting boards in the snack kitchen: If they're not clean enough to re-use, they're just mess that someone didn't tidy up. Please rinse or put away!

2. This week planning

People arriving and leaving

  • Mon.: Nathalie & Thore come back (Larissa hosting), Riell leaves
  • Tue.: Astrid not here
  • Wed.: Anja comes for a night, JaTiMiLe leave, Kate leaves, Antonin comes, Riell comes back
  • Thu.: Nathalie & Thore leave, Zwieback leaves, Lips leaves
  • Fri.: Larissa leaves, Antonin leaves, kito leaves for not sure how long
  • Sat.: Astrid not here, Riell visitor
  • Sun.: Larissa comes back, JaTiMiLe come back
  • Mon.:
  • Some day: kate comes back

Weather forecast

  • some sun, some rain, some clouds, some thunderstorm
  • during daytime ~20 degrees
  • heavy rain probably tuesday to wednesday
  • "wechselhaft"

Evaluations and check-ins

  • Kate Volunteer: Days Visited threshold 75/60 (+25%)
  • Astrid_Kito Visitor: Days Visited threshold 30/21 (+43%)
  • Larissa Member: Days Visited threshold 181/180 (+1%)
  • Antonin Volunteer: 6 days until Days Visited threshold (60)


  • Monday
    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour [Janina]
    • 18:00 - Demo for peace in Gaza @Rabet
  • Tuesday
    • 08:30 - Qi Gong @garden [Rob]
    • 18:00 - Küfa + Liederabend @Pödelwitz
  • Wednesday
    • 07:40 - morning meditation @attic [Rob]
    • 14:00 - zui's evaluation [Kito]
    • 16:00 - Nathalie & Thore Farewell-Pizza-Party (for real!)
      • maybe with some music from Astrid?
  • Thursday
    • 17:00 - Offene Jugendvernetzung @Mitmachcafé
  • Friday
    • yellow bins [kito]
    • 10:00 - PlaMe [Antonin] - this week with remote participation possible :)
    • 15:00 - DemokraTISCH @Market square
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Next Monday
    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour [Astrid]
  • Next week summary

Hats for the week

  • E-Mails: Robert
  • Telephone: Kito

Open Visitor Requests

  • house project group from Leipzig (Luise)
    • 6.- 8. September
    • ~15 adults and 2-4 small kids
    • not any house project: connections via chandi and zui
    • Kate can imagine hosting, 2nd person could be good, Janina is interested but overcommitted
    • put in calendar and maybe set Slack reminder, Kate will set a note

Shopping plans

  • no

To do → done

  • decalc shower faucet in main bathroom [Astrid]

Discussion & Announcements

Round 1

  • [Janina] Onions! We have very many now. Cook them, fry them, eat them! And let's also hand out a box on Tuesday, alright?
    • [Kate] eat what's in the freezer so we can chop and freeze onions
  • [kate] next week i am taking my first day off vladen in 5 months. I would be very grateful for an experienced hausian to be availabke to support (there should be at least one local volunteer)
    • could be discussed next CoMe, Janina can imagine
    • could be also just part of the task lottery
  • [Zwieback] scabies
    • dermatologist couldn't say if it's scabies or not, will do another treatment
    • if we wait until it's itching others might be already infected
    • no severe health consequences, but we should not underestimate psychological effect
    • would be nice if you tell in which beds you slept, standard will be private
    • to everyone: please be transparent about your situation and take it serious (even though most people don't think we have it)

Round 2

  • [Janina] I propose to switch back to communal dinner. Mainly for the social aspect of it that I really miss. Resistance?
    • [kate] can it be earlier to accommodate me? 18:30. But I wouldn't come regularly to communal dinner anyway because I can't eat my main meal in the evening.
  • [Zwieback] practice/rehearsal room for band in K18
    • maybe in the first floor
    • maybe rather in the garden side for noise reasons
      • generally we would have to check how it is noisewise
      • could use soundblockers
    • expected times: 1-2 times per week for 2-3 hours
    • let's try!
  • [Riell] Premium compost?
    • [Rob] Yes, I feel responsible!

Task lottery & food planning


  • Mon. dinner: Janina, Kito
  • Tue. dinner:
  • Tue. free shop: freeshop kate, localvolunteers
  • Wed. dinner:
  • Thu. dinner:
  • Fri. dinner: Rob


  • Mon. dinner: Moritz
  • Tue. dinner: Astrid, Moritz
  • Tue. free shop: Astrid, Moritz
  • Wed. dinner: Moritz
  • Thu. dinner: Astrid, Moritz
  • Fri. dinner: Astrid, Moritz
  • Week: Kate, Tilmann, Lips, Zwieback


  • Mon. dinner: Janina, Kito
  • Tue. dinner:
  • Tue. free shop: freeshop kate, localvolunteers
  • Wed. dinner: Astrid
  • Thu. dinner:
  • Fri. dinner: Rob

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