Coordination Meeting

CoMe #352

  • Date: 2024-07-15
  • Facilitator: Tilmann
  • Notary: Kate
  • Physical calendar: Doug
  • Digital calendar: Martin
  • Todo board: Rob
  • Weekly reservation sheets: Janina
  • Present: Kate, Doug, Gilles, Janina, Tilmann, Rob, Martin

0. Check-in round

1. Last week review


  • 26 euros in the cheap shop and netto on food


  • none

Things that happened

  • lake trip with great picnic
  • firewall/router broke
  • K22 attic painting done
  • One more new volunteer in vLaden, our first with a migration background (apart from me)
  • Torrential rain
  • Dinner with guests on Friday
  • Kanthaus anniversary 12.07 and we all forgot...nearly...
  • Project updates

2. This week planning


  • Monday
    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour [Tilmann]
    • Phoenix workshop starts
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
    • 19:00 foodsharing pickup [Martin + you? - See discussion]
    • Biowaste [Martin]
  • Friday
    • 10:00 Social Sauna [Doug]
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Next Monday
    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour [Kate]
  • Next week summary

Open Visitor Requests

  • [kate] Laura, through workaway - 3rd August arrival, hopeful to stay until the end of August. Laura is a hitch hiking, dancing, musical, climate activisting, 24 yr old French woman with experience of renewable energy and construction / house building work.
    • Martin volunteers to host!
  • [rob] Shae (Lari) needs a place to be (could be discussion poit)
  • and a Friend Magnus will come next week.

Shopping plans

  • [tilmann] 32€ more white paint
  • [tilmann] 22€ storage replacement for router

To do → done

Discussion & Announcements

Round 1

  • [Doug] storm mode: do we all agree that if there is strong wind and/or rain, it is the responsibility of all the people in the house (esp Vol & Mem) to check that all windows & doors are closed, and additionally check k20 basement/k18 in case of rain?
    • Can we have a ist - where needs checking?
      • All doors, windows, K18, basements
    • Martin didn't appreciate how bad it was in the workshop. Would we appreciate a big 'storm is coming'shout or whistles
    • Larissa and Kate both started to check, but saw Antonin was on it
  • [kate] If the weather is nice on Tuesday, it would be great if anyone wanted to help with teas, coffees, hanging around outside the vLaden. It's just me and Susi.
    • Just making everyone aware, no commitment needed, just pop down!
  • [Larissa] can someone take over my slot for my foodsharing pickup on Thursday 19:00? martin is also signed up, so I could also just give my spot to someone else on food sharing if no one can take over
    • Doug can do it
  • [Zwieback] are there any capacity for cooking for the workshop for middays. there is a shiftplan in the dining room.
    • switching to lunches anyway, so this sould help [janina]
  • [Janina] The A4 scrap paper in the office is running low. Do we have another stack somewhere? Or can anybody find scrap paper elsewhere and bring it?
    • just for infos
  • [rob] a friend is in need of a place. don't know the persons situation so well.
    • [Kate] bear in mind KH can be difficult place to be for someone with mental health problems, it can also be challenging to host someone with mental health problems
    • [Janina] could consider having their own room as a shelter request
    • [Martin] the time frame is important and then important that they know what the possibilities and limitations are
    • [Doug] can be subject to the normal visitor process
    • [Martin] as a host you need to be mostly present in the first week
    • [Rob] not around Wednesday and Thursday, so would be better to be from Friday anyway

Round 2

  • [Kate] Sommerfest! Take flyers, think about volunteering
    • [Martin] really have to do lots of work inviting people to get even a small percentage to actually come!
    • [Kate] There is a pad for people who want to co-ordinate inviting people
  • [Janina] foodsharing Leipzig needs stable tarp to redo their bike fairteiler coverings. I said we have quite some and will give them a bit. I know we should keep some for ourselves though. Any opinions on how much we want to keep?
    • [Martin] How much do they need? Check scrap.
        • enough for 3 bikes maybe
    • [Doug] Check for holes
    • Everyone trusts Janina to take an appropriate amount

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