Coordination Meeting

CoMe #353

  • Date: 2024-07-22
  • Facilitator: Kate
  • Notary: Kito
  • Physical calendar: Dorota
  • Digital calendar: Antonin
  • Todo board: Fia
  • Weekly reservation sheets: Lena
  • Present: Kate, Martin, Lena, Fia, Rob, Antonin, Doug, Dorota, Thomas, Shay

0. Check-in round

1. Last week review


  • Present: 14.0 people/day (+1.7)
  • 🌡️ Average outdoor temperature: 24.3 °C (+1.5 °C)
  • ⚡ Electricity
    • usage: 21.6 €/week (⬆️+12%)
      • of that for K20 warm water: 1.17 €/week
    • paid: -50.01 €/week
    • ☀️ self produced: 78% (⬇️-2%)
    • emissions: 15 kg CO₂ₑ/week
  • 💧 Water
    • paid: 20.65 €/week (⏫+70%)
    • emissions: 1.6 kg CO₂ₑ/week


  • [martin] 10€ oil
  • [doug] spanners and uno cards
  • [antonin] masking tape and grundierung for 20€
  • [rob] oil, but already last week


  • Donations of €102

Things that happened

  • Interesting meeting about purchase of K18
  • Lots of short-term visitors
  • amazing painting work in the attic done by Antonin
  • very good Anti-Racism training

Popcorn feedback

  • [rob] during the last days there were a lot of unknown people in the house, i couldn't do so much because i was sick, but i feel like there was taken good care of them
  • [fia] please remember not to take a shit in the main bathroom
  • [martin] if you take something communal please put it back in the same place
  • [kate] invitation: lead with gratitude before giving criticism

2. This week planning

People arriving and leaving [tbr]

  • Mon.: Frank leaves probably
  • Tue.: Flips will come back, Klara (a friend of Lui) will stay for two nights
  • Wed.: Magnus, a friend, is coming [Rob], Doug leaves
  • Thu.: Ali from workaway [Kate] Franzi and Moritz through warmshowers [Rob and Kate], Virgilio [Martin] comes for 1 or 2 nights, 2-3 FFJ orga people for one night, Thomas leaves in the morning
  • Fri.: Ella from workaway [Kate]
  • Sat.:
  • Sun.:
  • Mon.:
  • Some day:

Fair and cooler weather. 23-27 daily temperatures, possibility of rain at the weekend.

Evaluations and check-ins

  • Lui_FFJ24 Visitor: Days Visited threshold 51/21 (+143%)
  • Moritz_FFJ24 Visitor: Days Visited threshold 44/21 (+110%)
  • Kate Volunteer: Days Visited threshold 104/60 (+73%)


  • Monday
    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour
  • Tuesday
    • 10:00 - Kate's evaluation [Doug]
  • Wednesday
    • 10:00 Scaffolding teardown action? [Antonin]
  • Thursday
    • FFJ evaluation and closing I
    • 19:00 Foodsharing Pick-up @Wurzen [Lui]
    • Gelbe Tonne (will be picked up friday morning) [Kito]
  • Friday
    • PlaMe [Antonin]
    • FFJ evaluation and closing II
    • 18:00 - Leipzig Critical Mass [Martin]
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
    • Blue bins (will be picked up monday morning) [Rob]
  • Next Monday
    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour [Martin]
  • Next week summary

Open Visitor Requests

Shopping plans

To do → done

Discussion & Announcements

Round 1

  • [Janina] Any verified foodsaver wanting to go to the feel festival with the foodsharing crew this week from Wednesday/Thursday to Monday? It's a nice one, I can recommend! If yes, contact Franziska.
  • [kate] increase in workaway and visitor stays and requests. Please think about easy tasks or discrete projects that we can offer to visitors!
    • there is a pad of specific tasks, that could be shared, Martin will post it in Slack
  • [Martin] The "KH Constellation of tasks" graph is up in the Elephant Room, finally! People that know how repetitive tasks go, you are very welcome to add them. It will only be useful if it is fairly complete. It's about making them visible, not distributing them.
    • [doug] cool.
  • [kito] FFJ evaluation/closing on thursday and friday. mostly between orga crew and Flips. schedule not ready yet, we will keep you updated. there will be a seperate KH-FFJ evaluation later.

Round 2

  • [Kate] come and help in vLaden this Tuesday, or do a more practical or creative task\project for us. And we have a big overstock of women's trousers. Please take, or use!

Task lottery & food planning

Default lunch serving time: 13:00 Default dinner serving time: 19:00 Free shop shift: ~14:30 - 17:30


  • Mon. lunch:
  • Tue. lunch: kito
  • Tue. free shop: freeshopkate, Franziska
  • Wed. lunch: Kate
  • Thu. lunch: Shay
  • Fri. lunch: Rob


  • Mon. lunch: Antonin
  • Tue. lunch: Antonin
  • Tue. free shop: Antonin
  • Wed. lunch:
  • Thu. lunch: Thomas
  • Fri. lunch: Thomas
  • Week: Fia, Martin, Doug


  • Mon. lunch: Thomas
  • Tue. lunch: kito, Dorota
  • Tue. free shop: freeshopkate, franziska
  • Wed. lunch: Kate, Antonin
  • Thu. lunch: Shay, Lena
  • Fri. lunch: Rob

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