Coordination Meeting
CoMe #370
- Date: 2024-11-18
- Facilitator: Tilmann
- Notary: Janina
- Physical calendar: Liou
- Digital calendar: Doug
- Todo board: Liou
- Present: Marynia, Dorota, Doug, Rob, Liou, Kate, Thomas, Timber, Sebastian, Astrid, Lena, Tilmann, Janina, Fia
0. Check-in round
1. Last week review
(Usage during the last 90 days)
- Present: 13.7 people/day (-1.9)
- 🌡️ Average outdoor temperature: 5.3 °C (+1.0 °C)
- ⚡ Electricity
- usage: 110.23 €/week (⬆️+12%)
- of that for heating: 47.68 €/week
- of that for K20 warm water: 5.3 €/week
- of that for K20-3 heatpump: 3.14 €/week
- paid: 105.4 €/week
- ☀️ self produced: 17% (⬇️-3%)
- emissions: 91 kg CO₂ₑ/week
- usage: 110.23 €/week (⬆️+12%)
- 💧 Water
- paid: 17.3 €/week (⬇️-21%)
- emissions: 1.3 kg CO₂ₑ/week
- [Timber] spent 28.76€ on peanut butter, oat flakes and olive oil
- +15€ Pfand
- +35€ donation
- [Doug] spent 40€ on party supplies
- [Liou] Attic proposal wiki is published, prediscuss proposals there and fill out the doodle
- [Liou] Staircase office has a reservation sheet now
- new sofa corner in the attic
- thanksgiving party and two fires
- many doorstep conversations took place
- vernissage
- Janina's birthday with cake and hide&seek
2. This week planning
Evaluations and check-ins
- Thomas_Doug Visitor: Days Visited threshold 33/21 (+57%)
- Lena_masterarbeit Visitor: Days Visited threshold 31/21 (+48%)
- Marynia_WA Visitor: Days Visited threshold 28/21 (+33%)
- Timber_Riell Visitor: Days Visited threshold 28/21 (+33%)
- Robert Volunteer: Days Visited threshold 74/60 (+23%)
- Lioba_FFJ Visitor: Days Visited threshold 25/21 (+19%)
- Janina Member: Days Visited threshold 192/180 (+7%)
- Astrid Volunteer: Days Visited threshold 63/60 (+5%)
- Kate Volunteer: Days Visited threshold 61/60 (+2%)
- Fia_Robert Visitor: 1 days until Days Visited threshold (21)
- Mon-Fri:
- Repro Hack Week. All events in k20 attic @ 13:00.
- Monday
- 8:30, Vipassana Meditation @k20 attic [Rob]
- 9:00, Open sharing round @k20 attic [Rob]
- 10:00, CoMe + Power Hour [Tilmann]
- 13:00, ReproHackWeek: Kick off + speed-dating @attic
- evening, black bin out [Doug]
- Tuesday
- 09:00, Thomas' evaluation [Doug]
- 13:00, ReproHackWeek: Stand-up (Also Wed & Thur)
- 16:30 demonstration in Grimma against AfD
- 17:00, meeting for house owners for construction plans of kantstrasse [Larissa & Doug]
- evening, supermarket pickup x4 [Tilmann, Janina, Astrid]
- Wednesday
- public holiday
- 15:00, foodsharing Landkreis Leipzig Christmas party @kitchen (might extend to dining room, elephant and piano room)
- Thursday
- 10:00 first meeting for neighbourhood organizing!!
- Friday
- 13:00, ReproHackWeek: Show & tell & celebrate!
- evening, organic bin out [Liou]
- Saturday
- noon, foodsharing pickup [Tilmann]
- Sunday
- 14:00, Justa Herbstküche @Borsdorf [Astrid, Timber, Kito]
- Next Monday
- 8:30, Vipassana Meditation @k20 attic [Rob]
- 9:00, Open sharing round @k20 attic [Rob]
- 10:00, CoMe + Power Hour [Doug]
To do → done
- Upper staircase water switch was replaced [Doug]
- Test and sort cables in main office [Denis]
Discussion & announcements
- Shopping plans? Positive/negative (self-)feedback? Open visitor requests?
- Prioritise smaller & more urgent points (bring bigger points to PlaMe)
- Per round, each person can raise one point
Round 1
- [Janina] Reschedule Repro Hackweek meeting time?
- 1 pm would fit much better for Kita-pickuppers
- agreed
- [Rob] Good-Bye-Party for Kate before 06.12
- [Kate] Aww, very sweet. I am coming back ;-)
- [Kate] It could be food Monday Dec. 2nd after the freeshop meeting, it would be nice to invite any Befekado, Suzi, and Yulya.
- sounds great!
- [Kate] Aww, very sweet. I am coming back ;-)
- [Liou] Herewith I apply for nextcloud access
- [Antonin] done, check your Signal
- [Timber] Astrid and I want to start a TikTok channel
- it's about showing alternatives on popular social media
- [dorota] concerns if this is a good idea (endorsing tiktok as a platform, engaging with this form of communication, waste of time?!)
- [tilmann] name of 'kanthaus' is not great, I'd rather not have more things carrying that name. but I know it's hard to change...
- [rob] how much is it even about the house itself?
- [timber] well, how we live together, how we organize ourselves could definitely be topics we wanna touch
- [astrid] it's not meant to be our main means of recruiting now. to me it's actually mainly a funny thing I'd like to try out.
- discussion became a bit bigger, maybe we should have a separate meeting?
- [janina] how about just creating 1-2 videos and showing them internally before posting anmything?
- [kate] K22 entrance got cleared - what happened?
- nobody in the room cleared it, but there are some opinions that it's nicer when there's not always stuff.
- [Sebastian] Staying here and what comes with it
- [Thomas] Freezer-closing issues. Tilmann and I talked about technical solutions and are up for discussing this further if anyone's interested.
Round 2
- [Janina] Advent calendar is up and waits for you to fill it! :)
- [Timber] Heads-up: Water forest seems to get evicted, there might be forest people searching for shelter soon
- [Liou] About clarifying power hour task descriptions: Please help me improve it! :)
Task lottery & food planning
- Serve lunch: 13:00
- Serve dinner: 19:00
- Free shop Tuesday shift: ~14:30 - 17:30
- Free shop Thursday shift: ~09:30 - 12:30
- Mon. dinner:
- Tue. dinner:
- Wed. dinner: Timber
- Thu. dinner: Lena
- Fri. dinner:
- Mon. dinner: Doug
- Tue. dinner: Janina, Thomas
- Wed. dinner: Astrid, Janina
- Thu. dinner: Janina
- Fri. dinner: Doug, Astrid,
- Week: Kate, Marynia, Fia, Rob, Tilmann, Dorota, Sebastian