Coordination Meeting
- Date: 2018-02-19
- Facilitator: Nick
- Notary: Doug
- Present: Nick, John, Doug, Vinzenz, Chandi, Lise, Bodhi, (?)
1. People arriving and leaving
- mrkvon comes in the beginning of the week and wants to stay for a while
- Tuesday: Isabel arrives
- Thursday: Johann (couchsurfer) for one night, Adam for some days/weeks
- Lukas comes for the fsww hackweek (arrival on Sunday 12:30pm)
- Nadine comes for the fsww hackweek (arrival on..?)
- Silvan comes on Monday the 26th (until the 2nd of March probably)
- Vinzenz leaves today
- John considers options
- chandi leaves on wednesday
2. Evaluations (Current Position, days til evaluation)
3. Changes to Constitution
- Prop 3 selected: (over half of Members didn't vote, why?
- 3rd round started (5 days of proposal phase left)
4. Changes to Collective Agreements
5. Information (e.g. announcements, events, etc)
- Waste collection: (see Paper today, rest waste tomorrow
- Food pickups: (see ): Landgut Nemt, Weds, 18:00
- Gas usage (0.545€ per m³ + 0,23€ per day):
- Last week: €9,70 per day
- This week: €6.00 per day
- Gas bottles exchanged (€12):
- Water usage(5€ per m³):
- Last week: €2.04 per day
- This week: €2,62
- Electricity usage (0.2595€ per kWh and 0,245 per day):
- Last week: €2,60 per day
- This week: €3,32
- Income: €0
- Power hour: thursday
- Sharing event: friday, black hat sharing
- Other:
6. Discussion (e.g. questions, proposals, etc)
Chopping boards: Research indicates that not oiling = breaking, results from sanding + Coconut oil seem good despite potential rancidification seems worth it. Proposal: treat all boards and wooden tools similarly (i.e. sand, oil monthly) and initiate rapid feedback for anyone who leaves them soaking. I would try and fix a broken one using normal PVA, if that doesn't work we can buy some Titebond III.
--> use one special board for bread, one for meat/fish and one for onions/garlic
cleaning-task list: Lise is taking care of it for now
letter box: janina, doug and lise had a talk about letters and the idea of an internal letterbox in Kanthaus (writing letters to each others or give visitors-guests the opportunity for feedback). Should it be placed in the office or foyer? ... foyer was agreed as a good place
sinks, floors, surfaces ( Doug) move jars to gsp room, bread on valve
idea to have pegs that can be attached to food serving dishes to mark things as vegan
the funding thing, Lise (iirc) searched for help with writing financial plans
kufa next saturday, informal-ish, maybe serve in the foyer, and have the dragon room available
maybe move the massive printer into k22
idea to mount the foodsharing boards outside the house for better visibility
foodsaving worldwide hackweek starts next saturday
7. Next facilitator
- Doug