Coordination Meeting

  • Date: 2018-01-29
  • Facilitator: Tilmann
  • Notary: Tilmann
  • Present: Matthias, Janina, Doug, Björn, Bodhi, Tilmann

1. People arriving and leaving

  • Steffen brings KMW tonight, leaves early next morning
  • Joe, Paul, Danny, Lars Sa-Mo

2. Evaluations (Current Position, days til evaluation)

  • Silvan (Visitor, -16) - scheduled Tue 17:00
  • Wolfi (Volunteer, ~14 days)

3. Changes to Constitution


4. Changes to Collective Agreements


5. Information (e.g. announcements, events, etc)

  • Waste collection: (see Thursday Biomüll, Friday Gelber Sack
  • Food pickups: (see ): Landgut Nemt, Weds, 18:00, Tuesday 12:00 Kräuterfee
  • Gas usage (0.70€ per m²):
    • Last week: (6,30€ per day)
    • This week: 6.30 € per day
  • Gas bottles exchanged: 1 Kitchen (last week)
  • Water usage(5€ per m³):
    • Last week: (2,86€ per day)
    • This week: 1.81 € per day
  • Electricity usage (0.28€ per kWh):
    • Last week: (2,20€ per day)
    • This week: 1.68 € per day
  • Income: 20 €
  • Power hour: Thursday, 10:00
  • Sharing event: Friday, 5pm cloud room. Talking circle
  • Other:
  • There were many changes on the website lately! Have a look if you didn't in a while... ;)
  • Björn and Janina asked Noreen to take them to Leipzig. The taxi will come Wednesday around 8:30am, there's probably still 2 spots vacant.
  • Bauwoche starts today

6. Discussion (e.g. questions, proposals, etc)

  • Personal projects presentation, 19:00, Tue Jan 31st. (Doug)
  • New slack channel for people that currently reside in kanthaus, like we always had at wuppdays :) (Bodhi)
  • Kanthaus motto changed to "A house for sharing" / "Ein Haus zum Teilen" (Doug/Janina) - German version with capital or lowercase 't'..?
  • foodsharing February starts! Anybody interested in taking part in PR stuff like putting posters in shop windows, a distribution action at some point and maybe even ringing at people's door and presenting foodsharing to them?
  • Janina asked Laura (Leipzig-East BOT) for food to distribute and said that we could go get it by car if necessary. Resistance? Other proposals?
  • boards wants to do their board meeting here, 24.3. + 25.3., Matthias will reply.
  • We got a request from Dennis to visit us in March and as well if they could have 1+ Humusfestival organisation meetings here. See #kanthaus-mails. One of 22. - 25.3, 29.3 - 1.4, 5. - 8.4. - They are welcome in April, Janina will reply.
  • Laurina had the idea to form a collective agreement on how to handle press. We want to publish the articles & photos on our homepage. Re-address next come.
  • Kanthaus, with capital 'K', without 'the'. (Doug and Janina, QC.)
  • with small 'f', all other Foodsharing with capital 'F'. (Doug and Janina, QC.)
  • Shower in K20 seals are broken, leaks "quite much" to the floor
  • We mark a Thermoskanne for plain hot water
  • Unplug unused devices to reduce energy usage

7. Next facilitator

  • ?

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