Coordination Meeting

  • Date: 2018-06-18
  • Facilitator: Doug
  • Notary: Doug, Janina
  • Present: Adam, John, Doug, Tilmann, Janina

1. People arriving and leaving

  • Jörg and Anja leave today
  • Two couchsurfers come today for one night
  • Silvan leaves Tuesday morning, comes back on Friday
  • Philip from Q's flatshare in Nordhausen comes on Friday with Silvan, both leave on Saturday morning
  • Doug leaves on Wednesday until some time in August
  • John leaves at some point this week

2. Evaluations

  • Tilmann, Adam (today at 5pm)

3. Changes to Governance


4. Last week review

  • Water (4.5€ per m³):
    • Last 7 days: €1.48 /day
    • 7 days before that: €2.48 / day
  • Electricity usage (0.2595€ per kWh):
    • Last 7 days: €1.62 / day
    • 7 days before that: €1.74 / day
  • Gas bottles bought (€12): 0
  • Income (please check the shoe and the box): €10.61
  • Airbnb is too much for us right now. Matthias took down the advert.
  • Janina checked in with the Tafel and found out that the status is basically unchanged. No decisions will be made until August as it seems.
  • Day of open society, brunch of citizens on the market square on Saturday: NDK-people, 'Der Laden'-people and some Rotters were there. Nice talk with Heidi.
  • Two-day harvesting action at Sven's garden with additional bonding.
  • Some things didn't happen (power hour, market pickup, some smaller things) and there was a little discontent and frustration. Was resolved through a spontaneous sharing circle at Sven's garden.
  • Janina had a meeting with Laura, the foodsharing ambassador from Leipzig east. Talked about cooperations, more details in #foodsharing-wurzen
  • All toilets run on freshwater now, except for bucket toilets

5. Schedule and commitments

  • Tuesday, Stadtgespräch: Janina and Doug
  • Wednesday, Sharing event:
  • Wednesday, Landgut Nemt pickup: Adam
  • Friday, Market pickup: Janina
  • Next Monday, CoMe Facilitator: Tilmann

6. Discussion (e.g. questions, proposals, updates, requests, etc)

  • Personal updates meeting: let's skip it this month and maybe come up with a cooler/clearer structure until next month? (Janina)
    • Plan to do it as before next month.
    • Discussion about how to do celebrations: planning quarterly alongside roadmap could make sense. However, people may forget what they're up to.
    • What is/was the purpose of this meeting?
    • Tilmann proposes an alternative format testing group.
    • John says that daily meetings can help people regulate.... to bes discussed.
  • It could make sense to introduce a 'holiday mode' for the house. This would make it more clear what happens and what doesn't when fewer people are here and when the mood is just not like following the normal schedule all the time.
    • What would be different?
    • What would trigger it?
    • How to come back to normal mode?
  • Did any meeting happen regarding the responsibility for strangers while I was away? If not, shall we have one to get this rolling? (Janina)
    • I guess not, people are getting fewer and fewer right now...^^
    • Doug is interested and might grab people to talk about this in the next two days.
  • Matthias and Laurina already put some thought into funding applications for the fsde hackweek and a potential seperate event. Details can be read in #kanthaus-funding on Slack, if anyone wants to join in still. Otherwise I'll continue this. (Janina)
  • Right now our internet is linked to Matthias' phone contract which he already canceled. That's why he asks enviatel to sponsor us with high speed internet. The darft can be read on gitlab.
  • The greywater system is basically out of order for now and the toilets flush with drinking water. Please use the buckets with grey water if provided next to the toilet! (Janina)
    • But flushing with buckets is annoying and the buckets smell... We should rather water the plants with the water from the washing room. (Tilmann)
    • The greywater system is currently dead - long live the greywater system! (Doug)
  • Is anybody interested in going to the DIT festival in Chemnitz on the weekend? What exactly will be happening there?(Janina)
  • Request from Jana Oelkers (See Email 2018-06-14) to come with a group (but also alone first).
    • Janina and Matthias both answered her and said that we'd like to meet her and then go from there, but that her request sounds fitting in general.

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