Coordination Meeting

  • Date: 2018-07-02
  • Facilitator: Janina
  • Notary: Janina, Tilmann
  • Present: Nick, Matthias, Wolfi, Chandi, Tilmann, Adam, Theo, Janina

1. People arriving and leaving

  • Theo leaves today
  • Lena comes back on Tuesday
  • Tais arrives in the middle of the week
  • Festival people are coming back in the middle of the week (Tuesday or wednesday)
  • Lara and Almondo arrive at the end of the week
  • Diego might come on Sunday
  • Matthias leaves next Monday for 5-7 days

2. Evaluations

  • Nick and Wolfi and maybe Adam

3. Changes to Governance


4. Last week review

  • Water (€4.5 per m³):
    • Last 7 days: €1.81 / day
    • 7 days before that: €1.61 / day
  • Electricity usage (€0.2595 per kWh):
    • Last 7 days: €1.89 / day
    • 7 days before that: €1.78 / day
  • Gas bottles bought (€12 each): 0
  • Income (please check the shoe and the box): 0
  • More people here, lots of coding
  • Janina moderated a table discussion at the Regionalwerkstatt
  • Dagmar sometimes came by for clothes, food and other errands
  • A fellow citizen came by to talk about the political history of Wurzen
  • We can continue doing the Friday Market Pickup even though we missed it two times
  • Janina is learning how to code
  • Chandi is promoting, an open event platform for Leipzig

5. Schedule and commitments

  • Monday (today):
  • Tuesday:
  • Wednesday:
    • cooking workshop at 4pm
    • Landgut Nemt pickup: Villa Klug
  • Thursday:
    • Power Hour: facilitated by Janina
  • Friday:
    • Market pickup: Wolfi
  • Saturday: Parkfest is starting
  • Sunday: Foodsharing Brunch
  • Next Monday
    • CoMe Facilitator: Nick

6. Discussion (e.g. questions, proposals, updates, requests, etc)

  • Janina made a new arrangement with Arjen that Villa Klug does all the Landgut Nemt pickups and calls us if it's a lot, so that we pick up from VK then.
  • "We have edible leaves (in our man-made veggie beds) in our garden. I like to eat them very much. Sometimes drops of water land on them which are contaminated with bacteria and fungi which could potentially be harmful to my wolf body. I personally would like to be able to eat the edible leaves without having to worry about this issue." - Wolfi
    • Solution: we could use the green hose in the garden to water the plants instead of the water from the dumpster dived food
    • Tilmann: What to do with the dumpster food washing water? It was usually stored in buckets inside, but they make the Spülraum quite smelly. (I generally like the idea of collecting used water and reuse it, makes people more aware of how much they use)
  • What about all the water from the washing machine? Should we just chuck it away?
    • We could water the lawn with it, the detergent shouldn't be a problem. Getting it out of the basement would be the bigger problem (Matthias)
    • But for the lawn we have enough dumpster water already, when we don't use it for flushing toilets and watering veggie beds (Wolfi)
    • Maybe we should just put it in the drain after all...
  • Janina: Transfer people will start working here in August. We should make a plan to no become overwhelmed then.
  • Janina: Kanthaus birthday on July 12th. An event on the website exists for 15:00. What should we do?
  • Beer reserves: no changes to our drinking policy, but people drinking should be aware of the social effects. Beer cans should be cleaned up in time, not left standing around half-full and refrain from drinking at breakfast. A productive working atmosphere should be maintained most of the time.
  • Matthias: Wants to get wandel würzen insurance as we are already doing kind of public events (~130€/year via Verband offener Werkstätten)

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