Coordination Meeting

  • Date: 2020-02-17
  • Facilitator: Doug
  • Notary: Bodhi
  • Physical board caretaker: Anja
  • Digital calendar caretaker: Doug
  • Discussion timekeeper: none
  • Present: Tilmann, Doug, Clara, Matthias, Nathalie, Anja, Lise, Janina, Mika, Bodhi, Thore, Maxime, Michal, Talita

1. Last week review

  • Present: 15.1 people / day
  • Spent nights: 106 nights
  • Gas usage: 4.25 € / day ⬊ -0.78 €
  • Gas efficiency: 28.1 ct / day*person ⬈ -5.18 ct
  • Water usage: 2.67 € / day ⬊ -0.44 €
  • Water efficiency: 17.6 ct / day*person ⬈ -2.89 ct
Done Expenses
  • 3 new tokens for the public pool: 81€ [lise, janina]
  • €0
Team updates
  • Roof (Silvan, Tilmann):
  • Stuff (Bodhi, Matthias, Thore, chandi):
  • rooms (nathalie, janina):
    • A new bed is emerging in the intermediate storage room. It will have a big shelf underneath.
    • On this occasion the room will also be prettyfied (a bit).
Other things that happened
  • tons of MoI sessions - just like last week
  • Lise and Janina had a meeting with streetworkers and a collaborative cooking project will start in March
  • Nathalie wrote to a bakery wrt foodsharing and got quite the interested answer
  • Mika went to the pool for the first time
  • Jörg spent a night here and recorded a lot of material for his next radio feature about us
  • Lise and Janina finally went to choir again and directly joined a concert some days later
  • Matthias is building much more shelf space in the electronics workshop (to be finished today)
  • Chandi made a proposal for a basement food storage shelf
  • Tilmann and Matthias heated up wood to kill wood worm - maybe we can do the same to kill Hausschwamm
  • Jan from the VHS was here, talked about solawi WS and other stuff

2. People arriving and leaving

  • Monday: Talita leaves
  • Tuesday: Silvan comes back (or wednesday)
  • Wednesday: Chandi comes back, Michal leaves
  • Thursday:
  • Friday: Clara leaves
  • Saturday:
  • Sunday: Anja leaves
  • Any day:

3. Evaluations and check-ins

no evaluations during MoI

4. Upcoming

  • Weather forecast : A bit of everything: Rainy on Wednesday and towards weekend, always windy, a bit of sun and 5-10 degrees during daytime
  • Monday
    • 19:00 Women's choir [Janina, Lise]
    • 19:00 AcroYoga in Leipzig
  • Tuesday
    • 16:00 - 18:00 Offener Dienstag [Doug, Anja, Unkraut]
  • Wednesday
    • 16:30 winterfest ndk
    • 17:30 Landgut Nemt pickup via
    • 20:15 Badminton in Wurzen
  • Thursday
    • 10:00 Power Hour [EVERYBODY]
    • 15:00 sharing event Social sauna
  • Friday
    • 16:00 Sauna + bar + kicker at Villa Klug
    • 17:00 Next MOI week planning [Thore + grab]
  • Saturday
    • 13:30 Landgut Nemt pickup via
  • Sunday
    • 14:00 FFF meeting in cloud room
  • Next Monday
    • CoMe facilitator: [Lise/Tilmann]
  • to be scheduled:
    • MOI activities (Week overview:
  • short next week overview

5. Announcements

  • [lise] Max (Friend of mine) will come and host the pen&paper (Dsa) 28.02-01.03. He sent a mail with information, please read it if interested. He'd like to prepare our characters before 20.02, if you're interested we could create them together in a session. So far I know of Bodhi, tilmann, nathalie and Janina that they'd like to play.
  • [maxime] We came to an agreement on Inventaire hack week dates: 12/05 -> 18/05
  • [janina] It's likely that the market stand on Jacobsplatz comes back this month. Keep your eyes open for it if you take a walk on a Wednesday or Saturday, please!
  • [doug] please do not leave things, especially wet things, on the soap holders. Broken soap → broken soap jar. There are now ~10 pieces of pre-capped soap.
  • [Lise] There is a lot of food to be washed (5 boxes)
  • [janina] I made a MoI overview pad:
  • [matthias] Tilmann and me will start the carla cargo workshop this week
  • [doug] names on MOI cards please
  • [Bodhi] Festool sponsoring

6. Changes to Governance

  • none

7. Expense Requests

  • €2.50 for 1m * 75mm pipe for soap forming (I've looked quite a lot, and couldn't find one) [Doug]
    • approved!
  • 4 * 3m 7502 @12€ each plus 20€ for filters/caps = 70€ -> 10 masks [doug]
    • doug will write up some details and bring it into come again next week
  • 6 slice Dualit toaster. Upper limit for ebay sniping requested. (previous discussion [Doug]
    • [matthias] Would like to know if anybody seconds the strong need for getting another toaster? I am happy with the 4 slice one...
    • [doug] Current toaster: 4 slices only (wasting powere when less than fully used). Better toaster: 2, 4 or 6 slices
      • [matthias] small toaster: 800W, big one: 1200W. 90 seconds for a toast load makes 0.01 kWh wasted energy per toast, 1 kWh=0.30ct -> for 300 toast loads you save 1 euro (how to calculate our CO2-neutral electricity vs. producing a toaster?)
      • [matthias] I only have slight concerns, no resistance. Please go ahead.

8. Discussion (e.g. questions, proposals, etc.)

  • [lise] Felix (Dresden) would like to come On 9.03 and stay for ~3 weeks. Host?
    • Tilmann and Janina will host
  • [anja] KH instagram account? Who would also be interested in taking care of it?
    • Social Media Phone? (i.e. dedicated phone with decent camera to install sm apps)
      • general positive responses
    • Use cool alternative platforms at the same time
      • general positive responses (with unknown amount of work)
  • (Moved from 'other things that happened by Doug') new data structure implemented and a lot of files got sorted [chandi]
    • kanthaus-public (cloud)
    • kanthaus-governance (gitlab)
    • kanthaus-private (gitlab)
    • kanthaus-photos (cloud, private)
    • kanthaus-temp (cloud, private)
      • [doug] data rearrangement: 1) Would Chandi like to present changes in greater detail? 2) quite a lot of things I think should be private are now in kanthaus-public... I don't want to sort through now: move everything to private just now?
      • [tilmann] there still seem to be some bugs
        • stats not working, tries to pull resourcesUsed from kanthaus-public
        • I couldn't the weekly script to run on my local machine, complains about HTTP404
      • several unhappy with current state (Matthias, Doug, Tilmann) and considering reversion
      • proposal to privatize nextcloud folders now, then get a presentation on wednesday and reevaluating situation
  • [Bodhi] roof building week?!
    • Plan no new events until roof building time scheduled
  • [tilmann] Has anyone seen the (blue) AEG Hobelmaschine? I last saw it 6-12 months ago, but then it disappeared
    • no one

9. Dinner lottery/food recommendation

Run lottery:

10. For next week

  • Discuss toaster expense (Doug, Matthias, Bodhi...)
  • Mask proposal explanation (Doug)
  • Schedule roof building time (Bodhi, Tilmann, Matthias)

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