Coordination Meeting

CoMe #360

  • Date: 2024-09-10
  • Facilitator: Doug
  • Notary: Doug, Tilmann
  • Physical calendar: Anneke
  • Digital calendar: Tilmann
  • Todo board: Martin
  • Weekly reservation sheets: Ema
  • Present: Antonin, Ema, Tilmann, Janina, Martin, Iulian, Doug, Anneke

0. Check-in round

1. Last week review


usage graph last 90 days (Usage during the last 90 days)

  • Present: 11.7 people/day (+0.4)
  • 🌡️ Average outdoor temperature: 24.5 °C (+1.9 °C)
  • ⚡ Electricity
    • usage: 25.83 €/week (⬆️+12%)
      • of that for K20 warm water: 1.04 €/week
    • paid: -32.35 €/week
    • ☀️ self produced: 67% (⬇️-3%)
    • emissions: 19 kg CO₂ₑ/week
  • 💧 Water
    • paid: 22.82 €/week (⏫+65%)
    • emissions: 1.8 kg CO₂ₑ/week


  • 3 euros [kate] flour, baking paper


  • 22.79 donation

Things that happened

  • Wenceslaigassenfest!
  • Very casual project updates

2. This week planning

Evaluations and check-ins

  • Antonin / Tilmann


  • Monday
  • Tuesday
    • [Doug] 10:00, CoMe + Power Hour
    • [Kate] 15:00 - 17:00, free shop
    • [Martin, Anneke] tonight, boardgame night
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
    • [] 10:00 - 12:00, free shop
    • 17:30, Öffentlicher Vereinsstammtisch in Bennewitz (Bennewitz)
    • [Martin] evening, biotonne
    • [Bodhi+] 17:00 - 20:00, food storage action
  • Friday
    • [] 07:00 - 13:00, electricity meter exchange
    • [Larissa] 10:00, Social Sauna
    • [Martin] 14:00, Antonin eval
  • Saturday
    • supermarket pick ups
    • [Doug] 16:00+ Patricia party
  • Sunday
  • Next Monday
    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour [Doug]

Shopping plans

  • [Thomas] Maybe some cheap capsule coffee machine to make use of all the capsules we save?
    • [doug] resistance to buying new
    • [janina] concern about space in snack kitchen
    • no support for it being a communal purchase
  • [Antonin] renewing uberspace (email), 50€? to HKW or WaWü?
    • support
  • [Larissa] stamps
    • support

To do → done

  • [Thomas] made a folding board, it is in the cloth room.
  • [Ema] fixed window holder in the private

Popcorn feedback

  • remember to put a piece of cloth underneath things that are defrosting to avoid puddles of water
  • remember to close windows before the night to avoid other sorts of puddles of water
  • in general: keep everything inside dry

Discussion & Announcements

Round 1

  • [Doug] openecolabs KH participation
    • support
  • [Martin] (hopefully obsolete) Let's plans a solution for the white shelfs in k18. There is actual traffic there which I think is too much... One could go to the main bathroom hallway, replacing existing shelfs. Another one could go in k20-3 on the wall next to the door, and the cabinet there moved somewhere else, like the other side of the ventilation column, where now an improvised desk stands. If free shop can take the last one it would be awesome. Let's schedule an action.
    • [Antonin] they are really in the way indeed. Why not give them away on Kleinanzeigen?
      • [Janina] Cause they're great shelves and we want them! 1 already went into the yoga room, 1 is for the free shop and the last one would be great in either the attic or in front of the main bathroom.
    • solution: move remaining shelf to k20 attic immediately after CoMe [Martin, Doug, Antonin]
  • [Janina] Kanta wants to cook and is volunteering for today. I'll give her a kitchen introduction beforehand, but then she's happy to cook by herself.
    • yayyy!
  • [Antonin] I started work on the migration from Slack to Mattermost, and it's a lot of work! If people are interested in participating, there is a pad with the list of tasks. There are small and big ones and I'm happy to help fill knowledge gaps if needed
    • interest, people will look at pad (Doug, Janina)
  • [Tilmann] Bodhi will bring some food on Thursday, there will be an unloading action. Including new oat milk, we should move the current one aside and give it away.
  • [Anneke] Rubia (dog): proposal to allow her k20-0 to have closer cotact
    • [Martin] accept: fine as temporary, please clean surfaces after, concern about her exiting to street
    • [Iulian] accept: don't chase her if she gets out, she'll come back
    • [Antonin] accept: let's figure it out, it would be a shame if it was a reason for Anneke to leave
    • [Larissa] accept: concern about Rubia going onto fabric (e.g. in cloud room) and generally wandering around
    • [Ema] accept: as long as restricted to ground floor flat
    • [Anneke] accept: last week was stressful with Rubia having to be outside
    • [Janina] accept: concern with Rubia being alone, e.g. digging up garden beds, cleaning surfaces after
    • [Tilmann] accept: fine for a week, won't conflict with building weeks

Round 2

  • [Tilmann] residence record hand-over
    • [Larissa] takes over

Task lottery & food planning

Default lunch serving time: 13:00 Default dinner serving time: 19:00 Free shop Tuesday shift: ~14:30 - 17:30 Free shop Thursday shift: ~09:30 - 12:30


  • ~~Mon. lunch: ~~
  • Tue. lunch: Kanta, Janina
  • Wed. lunch: Iulian
  • Thu. lunch:
  • Fri. lunch: Tilmann


  • Mon. lunch:
  • Tue. lunch: Larissa
  • Wed. lunch: Antonin
  • Thu. lunch: Larissa, Antonin
  • Fri. lunch: Larissa, Doug
  • Week: Ema


  • Tue. lunch: kanta, Janina
  • Wed. lunch: Iulian, larissa
  • Thu. lunch: Martin, Doug
  • Fri. lunch: Tilmann, Antonin

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