Coordination Meeting

CoMe #357

  • Date: 2024-08-20
  • Facilitator: Martin
  • Notary: Tilmann
  • Physical calendar: Ema
  • Digital calendar:
  • Todo board:
  • Weekly reservation sheets: Doug
  • Present: Martin, Larissa, Laura, Riell, Dorota, Doug, Kate, Tilmann, Thomas, Ema, Lipz, Astrid

0. Check-in round

1. Last week review


usage graph last 90 days (Usage during the last 90 days)

  • Present: 11.1 people/day (-3.7)
  • 🌡️ Average outdoor temperature: 23.8 °C (+1.6 °C)
  • ⚡ Electricity
    • usage: 26.96 €/week (⬇️-1%)
      • of that for K20 warm water: 1.14 €/week
    • paid: -32.08 €/week
    • ☀️ self produced: 74% (⬇️-1%)
    • emissions: 19 kg CO₂ₑ/week
  • 💧 Water
    • paid: 21.08 €/week (⬆️+3%)
    • emissions: 1.6 kg CO₂ₑ/week


  • [Martin] 23€ for 2 pump head for the bike repair station
  • [Martin] 53€ for some small tools for workshop
  • [Martin] 40€ for limo for cinema night
  • [Martin] 12€ other food stuffs and snacks for cinema night
  • [Larissa] 70€ for rent and gas for car at Highfield
  • [Dorota] 5€ a tool for the workshop


  • 12€ Pfand
  • 61€ donation open cinema night

Things that happened

  • Offenes Kino Nacht
  • Social Sauna
  • Highfield saving action
  • two attic work session, almost done!
  • Sommersause
  • Ringelnatzlauf with three participants from Kanthaus
  • Two Verschenkeladen openings with fewer participants
  • Two chairs with new covers
  • Furniture being sanded and oiled
  • A lot of weeds were removed

Popcorn feedback

  • [Dorota] Please fold the straps properly before putting them back into the drawer
    • [Martin] And don't twist the strap, otherwise they don't go into the slot
  • [Janina] I forgot the organic bin. I'm very sorry and thankful top the person putting it out!

2. This week planning

Evaluations and check-ins

  • Lipa_FFJ24 Visitor: Days Visited threshold 28/21 (+33%)
  • Larissa Member: Days Visited threshold 217/180 (+21%)
  • Thomas_Doug Visitor: Days Visited threshold 24/21 (+14%)


  • Monday
    • Highfield saving action
  • Tuesday
    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour [Martin]
    • 15:00 - 17:00 free shop [Kate, Thomas, Susi]
    • foodsharing pickups
    • evening: Astrid bachelor presentation
  • Wednesday
    • 11:00 - Larissa's evaluation [Martin]
    • 14:00 - Bean harvesting action [Janina, Tilmann, you?] (see discussion)
  • Thursday
    • 10:00 - 12:00 free shop [Kate, Befekado, Thomas]
    • 17:00 - Presentation about West Bank situation
    • evening: bring out yellow bins [Larissa]
  • Friday
    • 10:00 - PlaMe [Tilmann]
    • Shelf moving action - see discussion [kate]
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
    • evening: bring out paper (blue) bins [Laura]
  • Next Monday
    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour [Kate]
    • 13:00- Lipz moving (helping hands needed)

Open Visitor Requests

  • Niels from the Netherlands. Via workaway for building weeks.
    • Janina is in contact but would be happy for someone else taking over the hosting.
    • [Kate] actually it's not during building week, but before
    • [Martin] let's rather not accept new visitors outside of building weeks

Shopping plans

  • [Martin] Vacuum cleaner bags needed. R080 type from Rossmann, at least 2 packs. To do board.

To do → done

  • Done: fix K18 gutter!

Discussion & Announcements

Round 1

  • [Martin] Time is up, a month of doing the Residency Record. I would like to pass it on to someone other than Janina.
  • [Astrid] the group that ist here also opens parts of their program to people from KH, if people wanna join. They will put it on the board as soon as they know
  • [Janina] Harvesting actions start! The harves t pile is ready again, we just need to communicate when to go there. And the green beans are ready now as well - Petzold even let's us finish the actual harvest cause he can't sell all the beans this year. I still need to find out the location of the field and agree on a time to go there, but the Wednesday time should work.
    • Who's ready to harvest on Wednesday? More hands mean more beans!
    • And are there people interested to also go for onions and potatoes soon? When would be good?

Round 2

  • [Astrid] The group that is here would like to learn something about first aid and ask if here are people that have some knowledge and could imagine to share it
    • nobody has recent knowledge about it
  • [Janina] Sven's request about Dunkin - how to proceed?
    • [Doug] I will talk to Sven and it seems I would be the only one that would do it.
  • [kate] 3 shelving units - heavy - for free to collect around the corner. Needs 2 more people + carla cargo
  • [Martin] Food. We invested a lot of time to save food, needs processing and eating! Don't go for the long-lasting food, but rather fresh and frozen food (to make space for more food)

Round 3

  • [kate] need to print color posters reliably
  • [Astrid] the group probably would like to stay until Saturday morning. Would that be possible?
  • [Martin] no new visitors before building week?
    • [kate] will there be many visitors during building week? so far it seems not
    • We agree to have a calm time from now to mid of September.

Task lottery & food planning

Default lunch serving time: 13:00 Default dinner serving time: 19:00 Free shop shift: ~14:30 - 17:30


  • Tue. lunch: Tilmann, Martin
  • Wed. lunch: Astrid, Thomas
  • Thu. lunch: Group, group
  • Fri. lunch: Kate, group

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