Coordination Meeting
- Date: 2019-01-07
- Facilitator: Laurina
- Notary: Janina
- Present: chandi, Tilmann, Tais, Q, Fionn, Bodhi, Nathalie, Aggi, Nick, Doug, Matthias, Laurina, Janina, Lise, Silvan
1. People arriving and leaving
- Monday: 3pm Thore comes, Paul and Paolo leave
- Tuesday: 17:17h Christian Kuhtz arrives
- Wednesday:
- Thursday: 12:49h Christian Kuhtz leaves, Silvan leaves for a week, Tais leaves, Aggi, Q and Fionn leave Thursday or Friday
- Friday: Laurina leaves very early, ~6 people (findus amongst) arrive for utopival meeting
- Saturday: Tais comes back and brings Micha who then stays for some days
2. Changes to Governance
- None
3. Last week review
- Present: 15.4 people / day
- Spent nights: 108 nights
- Outdoor temperature (min|avg|max): -0.9 | 4.3 | 9.0 °C (7 days before: 1.7 | 5.3 | 7.8 *C)
- Electricity usage: 4.42 € / day (7 days before: 1.84 € /day)
- Electricity efficiency: 28.7 ct / day*person (7 days before: 32.3 ct)
- Gas usage: 5.13 € / day (7 days before: 1.95 € /day)
- Gas efficiency: 33.3 ct / day*person (7 days before: 34.1 ct)
- Water usage: 2.44 € / day (7 days before: 0.57 € /day)
- Water efficiency: 15.8 ct / day*person (7 days before: 10.1 ct)
Income: (please check the shoe, the box and the account): 50€ 20ct
Things that happend:
- really nice wuwita took place with about 20 people, with reflection, cozy and relaxing time, games, workshops, music
- winter of karrot started
- lots of laugther with a baby :-)
- 2 new hot water bottles (3 altogether) now stored in Snack Kitchen cupboard
- private laundry basket added
- new coat rack in the foyer of K20
4. Evaluations and check-ins
- Chandi
- Laurina
- Lise (moved to next week)
5. Upcoming
Weather forecast: 0-7 degrees and a bit of rain every day
- Day of kh finance
- ~18:00: Heartbeat publish
- 19:00 AcroYoga in Leipzig
- 19:00 Women's choir
- Hausmüll, but doesn't neet to be emptied
- 11:30 Roof planning meeting: Matthias, Bodhi, Tilmann
- 12:30 Workshop planning meeting: Bodhi, Tilmann, Matthias
- 17:00 Repair Cafe: chandi
- 19:00 Fairteiler: Janina
- 17:00 Sharing event
- 18:00 Haus Kante Wurzen w.V. general meeting
- 19:00 Wandel würzen e.V. general meeting
- 17:00 Evaluations
- 19:00: foodsharing Wurzen meeting
- utopival meeting starts
- KMW repair (all day): Matthias, Bodhi
- KMW repair (all day): Matthias, Bodhi
- 11:00 - 13:00: foodsharing leftover brunch
Next Monday:
- CoMe facilitator: Tilmann
6. Discussion (e.g. questions, proposals, updates, requests, etc)
- letter from zuversicht e.v.
- answering the rewe-woman
- lise would like to respond but it's unclear what to write, we'll speak about it more and try to formulate a response this week
- the bigger idea of the association meetings
- Relation of association members to kanthaus members & volunteers and sustainability here
- Involvement in other legal structures like stiftung freiräume or haus und wagen rat
- Roof replacement planning
- Matthias has the impression that a lot of discussion already took place and now only alignment needs to happen
- Meeting scheduled for Tuesday
- Grundstücksverschmelzung - weiteres Vorgehen
- Bodhi overwhelmed with topic, Matthias will write a short letter (generally this topic seems to be become an annoying one...)
- collection of ideas and plans for the month of calm
- proposal: kick-off meeting on the 15th (Nick's birthday), establish commonly acceptable timeframe (i.e. preferable time-windows, etc) in which people can self-organize sessions (Doug)
- Lise will open a pad where people can put down their expectations and ideas
- kitchen design (doug, chandi) ?
- concert and cabaret in Ilmenau on the weekend (silvan)
- Saturday hundreds in the church (will look very fancy!)
- Sunday Urban Priol (will be funny!)
- talk to Silvan if interested
- we have to talk about telephone and door policies. In last time noone answers the phone or opens the door when ringing.
- bell is often not heard by people in living room - solution could be to move the door bell to the kitchen
- also: people who are here more than a day are expected to know the code or take a key
- (a lot of digressing in fancy electronic door opening solutions)
- Larissa would like to visit us for a few days from 7.2. Because she is no "external" guest, would this be OK?
- Should be fine.
- What happened to the hygiene bottle in the lower staircase toilet? (Janina)
- Lise broke it. She will replace it.
- What happened to the small sharp knives (please do not privatize these!) (Bodhi)
- There's three really nice ones which Bodhi will try to mark in a very obvious way.
- new coat rack for private or shared jackets?
- Q, Aggi and Laurina made a new coat rack which is mounted in the back part of the foyer.
- It should be used for private jackets so that the shared ones are more prominent on the front rack.
- Funding application for Move from wandel würzen e.V. (Matthias)
- Still unclear if we're up for it or not. A bit more discussion and info exchanged.
- In the end the question for resistances yielded none.
- Dorm window replacement starts on 15th. Rough plan: Dorm unusable at least on the 15th -> 16th, then we'll see how to progress (Matthias)
- Finish moving the main (non-electronic) workshop - who feels responsible? (Tilmann)
- Bodhi definitely feels responsible but wants some input on how to make the new workshop nice, instead of just randomly moving in all pieces of furniture over.
- Tilmann and Matthias are interested.
- privatization of blankets? (Silvan)
- bigger topic, will be discussed outside of CoMe