Coordination Meeting

CoMe #354

  • Date: 2024-07-29
  • Facilitator: Martin
  • Notary: Kate
  • Physical calendar: Ema
  • Digital calendar: Martin
  • Todo board: Dorota
  • Weekly reservation sheets: Ema
  • Present: Martin, Astrid, Kate, Shay, Ella, Lena, Ali, Dorota, Frank, Lipz, Ema, Rob

0. Check-in round

1. Last week review


  • Present: 14.9 people/day (+0.7)
  • 🌡️ Average outdoor temperature: 20.3 °C (-4.0 °C)
  • ⚡ Electricity
    • usage: 27.3 €/week (⬆️+13%)
      • of that for K20 warm water: 1.03 €/week
    • paid: -29.65 €/week
    • ☀️ self produced: 72% (⬇️-6%)
    • emissions: 20 kg CO₂ₑ/week
  • 💧 Water
    • paid: 27.38 €/week (⬆️+33%)
    • emissions: 2.1 kg CO₂ₑ/week


  • [Lena] 8€ Aufstrich
  • [Rob] 20€ hummus aufstricsh, rice, veggies


  • 20 € donation
  • 13 € donation box

Things that happened

  • strong community feels Tuesday vladen opening with 3 visitors all jumping in to help out
  • FFJ ended with a party on Friday
  • strong Kanthaus presence at Critical Mass
  • Many visitors
  • Progress and good things happening the dragon room
  • Watched 3 movies together
  • We lost a special dumpster diving spot

Popcorn feedback

  • Can we use Mattermost?
    • [Antonin] the current instance is still just a test instance. We are coordinating the proper migration to a production instance on Slack. Help is welcome there!
  • Please be quiet in the evening around sleepign spots [Astrid]
  • Be thorough - finish tasks! don't make work for other people [Martin]
  • 2. This week planning

Sunny at the beginning of the week, rain possibilities on Friday and Saturday

Evaluations and check-ins

  • Lui_FFJ24 Visitor: Days Visited threshold 58/21 (+176%)
  • Moritz_FFJ24 Visitor: Days Visited threshold 48/21 (+129%)
  • Antonin Volunteer: Days Visited threshold 78/60 (+30%)


  • Monday
    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour
    • night - Restmüll [Astrid + Frank]
  • Tuesday
    • 10:00 Moritz evaluation [Astrid]
  • Wednesday
    • Harvesting beans at KoLa
  • Thursday
    • night - Biotonne [Martin]
  • Friday
    • 14:00 Sommerfest power hour
  • Saturday
    • Sommerfest meeting
    • 11:00 foodsharing pickup (2x) [Larissa + ?]
    • 14:00 - KANTHAUS SOMMERFEST!!!
  • Sunday
  • Next Monday
    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour [Astrid]
  • Next week summary

Open Visitor Requests

  • Shay - Martin willing to host until Sunday
  • Lena's friend Saturda night - Martin

Shopping plans

To do → done

Discussion & Announcements

Round 1

  • [kate] Sommerfest is coming!

      • Volunteering areas
      • Garden beautifying - including scrap corner (any boundaries on this?) Shay mow the grass -Rob will help, Ali willing to do some
      • Activites - workshops, music, speak to Kate
      • Preparing drinks and food and looking after them during the Fest - Dorota volunteered, Ella volunteered to help
      • Running house tours, Ema in German,
      • Please enter your name in the sommerfest pad if you are willing to volunteer to help in one of the areas by Thursday (
    • Willingness to coordinate an area of volunteering?
    • Sleeping spots - please add any guests that you have invited to the pad, make sure your visitors are on the calender
    • [Larissa] there is also a list of tasks here: would be great if people could tackle some of those before saturday :)
    • [janina] i might not come back early enough to set up a fairteiler myself, but i'm sure ralf/nicky would set up tables themselves if someone can show them where to find and put them. i'll find out who comes when and coordinate in advance, but would be happy for someone to send them to when they come. please contact me if you're that person. :)
      • [Kate] I will do it.
  • [Janina] Can someone please make sure that the dream basket will be available for Tilmann, Janina, Larissa and the kids from Saturday on? We'd be very grateful. :)

    • Ema will do it
  • [Astrid] making vegan bread spreads by ourselves in order to save money

    • willing to do it!
    • [Mrtin] label the spread clearly so people don't eat it like soup
  • [Rob] Bufdi VLaden in Februar (for Fia)?

    • maybe rather a plame topic?
    • An informal conversation with me is a good starting point [Kate]
  • [Larissa] can someone take over tilmanns foodsharing slot on Saturday at both penny's?

Round 2

  • [kate] Please add visitors to the calender! Even for one night?

Task lottery & food planning

Default lunch serving time: 13:00 Default dinner serving time: 19:00 Free shop shift: ~14:30 - 17:30


  • Mon. lunch: Dorota, Shay
  • Tue. lunch: Ella, Frank
  • Tue. free shop: freeshopkate, Suzi
  • Wed. lunch: Lipz, Ali
  • Thu. lunch: Lena
  • Fri. lunch: Kate, Astrid

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