Coordination Meeting

CoMe #355

  • Date: 2024-08-05
  • Facilitator: Astrid
  • Notary: Martin
  • Physical calendar: Dorota
  • Digital calendar: Tilmann
  • Todo board: Dorota
  • Weekly reservation sheets: Ema
  • Present: Astrid, Kate, Laura, Moritz, Larissa, Martin, Dorota, Lena, Steffi, Janina, Ali, Tilmann, Thomas, Ema

0. Check-in round

1. Last week review


usage graph last 90 days (Usage during the last 90 days)

  • Present: 14.0 people/day (-0.7)
  • 🌡️ Average outdoor temperature: 22.0 °C (+1.7 °C)
  • ⚡ Electricity
    • usage: 29.97 €/week (⬆️+13%)
      • of that for K20 warm water: 1.34 €/week
    • paid: -37.22 €/week
    • ☀️ self produced: 74% (⬆️+2%)
    • emissions: 21 kg CO₂ₑ/week
  • 💧 Water
    • paid: 31.51 €/week (⬆️+15%)
    • emissions: 2.5 kg CO₂ₑ/week


  • [Martin] 58 euros worth of legumes, rice and spices.
  • [Martin] 78 euros limo for sommerfest, oil, rice, flour, tomato paste, spagetti, garlic, oats, sugar, chips.
  • [Astrid] 12 € for olive oil and flour
  • [Thomas] 24 euros for coffee for sommerfest


  • 76€ from sommerfest

Things that happened

  • Sommerfest!
  • New Volunteer! Moritz
  • Lots of visitors being awesome
  • Tais brought some food from FFL , saved from Fusion
  • People founded a writing group. Ask Lena, Astrid or Unkraut

Popcorn feedback

  • [Astrid] Lunch times! Start easrly to be on time
  • [Martin] Be thorough!

2. This week planning

Evaluations and check-ins

  • Larissa Member: -31 days until Days Visited threshold (180)
  • Antonin Volunteer: -20 days until Days Visited threshold (60)
  • Doug Member: -2 days until Days Visited threshold (180)


  • Monday
    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour
    • from 15:00 on, the roof tiles get picked up (see discussion point) [Thomas]
  • Tuesday
    • 19:35 - supermarket pickup (see discussion)
  • Wednesday
    • 9:00 - 12:00 Linke Infostand with VIPs @market square
  • Thursday
    • night - yellow bins [Thomas]
  • Friday
    • market pickup [Tilmann]
    • 10:00 - Project Updates [Janina]
  • Saturday
    • supermarket pickup x2 [Janina, Tilmann, Dorota]
    • 14:00 - Kola sommerfest
  • Sunday
  • Next Monday
    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour [Tilmann]

Open Visitor Requests

  • Group request via Caspi - A friend was asking, if it’s possible if there is coming a group of maximum 15 people for a climbing training from the 13.09-15.09 to the kanthaus? :) they would sleep in leipzig and Not in kanthaus. They would use infrastructure Like Kitchen. Is there Space and anyone who can host?
    • [Tilmann] unclarity what they would actually do here - not sleeping, not climbing?
  • Roberta via workaway. Requesting one month - November. Italian, would need to do remote work for an Italian not-for-profit during her stay. Graphic designer, Volunteering experience: soup kitchen, humanitarian mission close to Syria. Likes dancing, hiking, travelling, being chatty with people ,-)
    • [Janina] I will do it!
  • Iulian, friend from Anneke: Wednesday to Sunday. Anneke would be here the first night. Potentially can take care of first intro.
    • [Dorota] I will do it!

Shopping plans

  • [Thomas] Some sweets! Ordered already.

To do → done

Discussion & Announcements

Round 1

  • [kate] Complaint about noise associated with Verschenkeladen
    • [Martin] Very politely answered by Antonin.
    • Actions will be taken. Many suggestions.
  • [Antonin] can someone feel responsible for opening the door and showing the access to the roof tiles to the people picking them up, at 15:00 today? I didn't promise them that people would help carry them, but it can be a nice workout for the day to carry a few!
  • [Martin] Make residency record a rotating task. It is a good exercise to keep track of who is in the house and developing overview of capacity and functioning. I would say something like a month at least, so it becomes a bit of a habit that one can easily come back to. Or whatever time frame one can commit to.
    • [Janina] I'd appreciate that! :)
  • [kito] 10 people group from 19. of august for one week
    • [Some people] We need more info, needs, etc. Host needed.
    • Astrid could partly host.
    • [Tilmann] Do people know the house?
  • [Janina] Help needed with pickup in Brandis on Tuesday: I planned two things at once and now my co-foodsaver even signed off... :scream: Can any verified foodsaver take over?
  • [tilmann] Harzgerode has most of our scaffolding and asked if they could lend it to friends. I would tell them "yes" - any concerns? Also, I would tell them that we want the scaffolding back next summer, to prepare for wall insulation.
    • [Janina] topic of lending stuff, and responsibility for it.
    • [Martin] suggestion of picture documentation of parts being lent. Conditional yes.

Round 2

  • [Janina] Wenceslaigassenfest is drawing closer! We'll soon put up the posters and if someone would be willing to lend a hand it would be very much appreciated! It's still a bit unclear with what exactly and when, so I'd be happy about people who can be approached when things clarify.
    • Dorota, Astrid, Thomas offered help.
  • [kate] I will stop taking care of answering workaway requests. Who can take it on?
    • [Kate] Only two open requests, that I will take care of.
    • [Astrid] I could consider doing it.

Task lottery & food planning

Default lunch serving time: 13:00 Default dinner serving time: 19:00 Free shop shift: ~14:30 - 17:30


  • Mon. lunch: Ema
  • Tue. lunch: Moritz
  • Tue. free shop:
  • Wed. lunch:
  • Thu. lunch:
  • Fri. lunch:


  • Mon. lunch: Janina
  • Tue. lunch: Astrid
  • Tue. free shop: Astrid, Janina
  • Wed. lunch: Martin
  • Thu. lunch: Janina, Thomas, Dorota
  • Fri. lunch: Janina, Martin
  • Week: Kate, Larissa, Tilmann, Steffi, Lena


  • Mon. lunch: Ema, Ali
  • Tue. lunch: Moritz, Janina
  • Tue. free shop: volunteers
  • Wed. lunch: Dorota, Astrid
  • Thu. lunch: Martin
  • Fri. lunch: Thomas, Laura

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