Coordination Meeting

CoMe #362

  • Date: 2024-09-23
  • Facilitator: Larissa
  • Notary: Janina
  • Physical calendar: Astrid
  • Digital calendar: Martin
  • Todo board: Rob
  • Present: Rob, Astrid, Thomas, Antonin, Larissa, Freya, Ned, Martin, Kate, Tilmann, Janina, Virginia

0. Check-in round

1. Last week review


usage graph last 90 days (Usage during the last 90 days)

  • Present: 12.1 people/day (+0.3)
  • 🌡️ Average outdoor temperature: 16.5 °C (+3.5 °C)
  • ⚡ Electricity
    • usage: ? €/week (new meter not connected yet)
      • of that for K20 warm water: 1.21 €/week
  • 💧 Water
    • paid: 16.8 €/week (⬆️+3%)
    • emissions: 1.3 kg CO₂ₑ/week

Money -/+

  • -16€ for 100 covid test [tilmann]
  • -15€ for Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, wound spray [tilmann]
  • -15€ Iberogast and 312 batteries [Martin]
  • -10€ for kitchen machine [tilmann]

Things that happened

  • utopian bike tour came by
  • lots of potatos and beetroot were collected
  • small PlaMe
  • big asian food delivery from ralf
  • kitchen machine broke and got repaired
  • klugi-hanna brought bread twice
  • mice were spotted inside :scream:

2. This week planning

Evaluations and check-ins


  • Monday

    • 10:00, CoMe + Power Hour [Larissa]
    • take out restwaste [Rob]
  • Tuesday

    • 10:00, (default evaluation time) []
    • 9:30 - 9:45, building week stand-up
    • 10:00 - 12:45, 1st work shift
    • 13:00, lunch served
    • 14:00 - 16:00, 2nd work shift
    • 15:00 - 17:00, free shop [Kate, Thomas]
    • 16:00, snack break on building sites
    • 16:30 - 18:00, 3nd work shift
    • 19:00, dinner served
  • Wednesday

  • Thursday

    • 10:00 - 12:00, free shop [Kate, Thomas]
    • take out organic waste [Tilmann]
  • Friday

    • 18:00 - Leipzig Critical Mass
  • Saturday

  • Sunday

  • Next Monday

    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour [Rob]

To do → done

  • Vir cleaned the snack kitchen cupboard from mice poop and put some stuff into appropriate packages.

Discussion & announcements

  • Shopping plans? Positive/negative (self-)feedback? Open visitor requests?
  • Prioritise smaller & more urgent points (bring bigger points to PlaMe)
  • Per round, each person can raise one point

Round 1

  • [Martin] Caspi wants to host his theater group on the weekend of 19-20.10
    • (Kate) Tilmann said he would host on slack I think?
  • [Kate] Can we use either attic or the yoga room for winter Verschenkeladen stock sorting? Likely to start no ealier than Friday 27th
    • [Martin] Current most likely plan is to do both attics at the same time, therefore I would go with yoga room if no resistance.
    • [Janina] Do we have a key to the yoga room? Could be helpful to lock it during the bedtime routine of the kids. Otherwise I fear they could mess things up.
    • sorting will start on monday, so the kids can have the yoga room on the weekend
  • [Riell] i would maybe like to come with 3 friends for the building week, i could host them, i already asked Janina if there's enough to do and was wondering if kleingarten could be another workplace if we need more spaces...
    • would probably come 27.9. earliest
    • [Janina] I said it would probs be best to wait for some days and see how everything proceeds wrt work and space. Generally I think it would be nice to include these people who Riell feels very good about.
  • [Janina] Harvesting actions! Carrots will be due soon and the big potato action is also coming up! The harvest pile can be visited all the time now and all this incoming food needs some care afterwards as well of course. I will talk to people and make Slack posts when activities are immediate. :)
  • [Antonin] building weeks!
    • Quick presentation of the worksites that will be offered this week:
      • Attic floor treatment, coordinated by Martin. (After that: K22-Basement clearing)
      • K22-0 staircase painting, Janina
      • Covering ventilation pipes in the K20-2 bathroom, Tilmann (After that: Hide cables in K22 staircase)
      • K18 verschenkeraum clearing, Kate (After that: Freeshop deep clean and restocking with winter items)
    • Week structure:
      • Proposal to change the working days to Tuesday to Friday
      • The day structure would remain as in the building week pad
    • Repro orga: do we do it like last time (one weekly sheet where people can sign up in advance) or on the same board as the building sites?
      • both: people who want to plan in advance sign up already, all empty slots will get filled in the daily stand-up
    • Joint house tour tonight at 8pm for the many guests arriving today?
  • [Astrid] Update Sebastian
    • one week trial sounds good, if it doesn't work he has options
    • it's unclear when exactly that would happen, but not before mid-october. astrid will keep us updated.

Round 2

Task lottery & food planning

  • Serve lunch: 13:00
  • Serve dinner: 19:00
  • Free shop Tuesday shift: ~14:30 - 17:30
  • Free shop Thursday shift: ~09:30 - 12:30


  • Mon. lunch:
  • Tue. lunch:
  • Wed. lunch:
  • Thu. lunch:
  • Fri. lunch:


  • Mon. lunch: Rob
  • Tue. lunch:
  • Wed. lunch: Rob
  • Thu. lunch:
  • Fri. lunch:
  • Week: Astrid


  • Mon. lunch:
  • Tue. lunch:
  • Wed. lunch:
  • Thu. lunch:
  • Fri. lunch:

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