Coordination Meeting

CoMe #363

  • Date: 2024-09-30
  • Facilitator: Rob
  • Notary: Martin
  • Physical calendar: Thomas
  • Digital calendar: Antonin
  • Todo board: Janina
  • Present: Janina, Larissa, Martin, Ned, Freya, Flori, Gwen, Lena, Riell, Doug, Antonin, Tilmann, Kate, Rob, Sam, Thomas, Ginger, Franz

0. Check-in round

1. Last week review


usage graph last 90 days (Usage during the last 90 days)

  • Present: 18.6 people/day (+6.3)
  • 🌡️ Average outdoor temperature: 14.1 °C (-2.4 °C)
  • ⚡ Electricity: stats are dysfunctional
  • 💧 Water
    • paid: 31.18 €/week (⏫+86%)
    • emissions: 2.4 kg CO₂ₑ/week

Money -/+

  • -5€ for mouse traps [Larissa]
  • -12€ food from Jurgens [Martin]
  • -167€ for building materials [Martin]
  • -137€ Bandschleif parkett machine rental [Martin]
  • -310€ attic coating [Tilmann]
  • 2€ donation box

Things that happened

  • the attic floors got sanded, quite some holes filled and first layers of varnish were added
  • the ventilation pipes in the main bathroom as well as in the snack kitchen were boxed in
  • a new mural appeared in the k22 staircase, incorporating parts of the old artwork
  • many visitor arrived for the building weeks
  • a communal sauna trip to villa klug was enjoyed by many
  • critical mass in leipzig
  • more potatoes and onions were collected
  • lots of beetroot was processed in different ways

2. This week planning

People arriving and leaving [tbr]

  • Mon: Vir leaves
  • Tue:
  • Wed: Riell leaves, Astrid comes back, Yara comes, Doug leaves
  • Thu: Patrick comes, Larissa leaves, Rob leaves
  • Fri:
  • Sat: Astrid probably leaves, Luise arrives
  • Sun: Riell arrives, Yara leaves, Patrick leaves
  • Some day: Ema comes back

Evaluations and check-ins

  • Antonin Volunteer: Days Visited threshold 98/60 (+63%)
  • Virgilio_Martin Visitor: Days Visited threshold 26/21 (+24%)
  • Tilmann Member: Days Visited threshold 202/180 (+12%)
  • Edda Visitor: Days Visited threshold 23/21 (+10%)
  • Thomas_Doug Visitor: Days Visited threshold 23/21 (+10%)


  • Monday
    • 10:00, CoMe + Power Hour [Rob]
  • Tuesday
    • 9:30, Building week stand-up
    • 10:00, (default evaluation time) []
    • 15:00 - 17:00, free shop [Kate]
  • Wednesday
    • 9:30, Building week stand-up
    • evening - Punk gothic concert at D5
  • Thursday (public holiday)
    • 9:30, Building week stand-up
    • 10:00 - 12:00, free shop [Kate]
  • Friday (no kita)
    • 9:30, Building week stand-up
    • 20:00 Reflexion of building week
    • yellow bin (for Saturday) [Tilmann]
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Next Monday
    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour [Janina]

To do → done

  • main bathroom shower fixed by Tilmann

Discussion & announcements

  • Shopping plans? Positive/negative (self-)feedback? Open visitor requests?
  • Prioritise smaller & more urgent points (bring bigger points to PlaMe)
  • Per round, each person can raise one point

Round 1

  • [Martin] Shopping plan: 2x ear protection. We have only 3. €40.
    • Accepted
  • [Ginger] Where can I work?
    • [Janina] Cloud room? If necessary we can put a desk in there. Steal a desk from silent office. Volunteers?
    • Accepted. Doug helps
  • [Antonin] building week feedback pop-corn. What works, what doesn't?
    • [Janina] good but a bit chaotic.
    • [Kate] I would appreciate it.
  • [Janina] toilet blocks: if it happens to you, please don't just walk away silently! tell someone so that the problem can be solved and more annoyances can be prevented! :pray:
    • [Thomas] ONLY toilet paper in toilets, the only thing that disolves. Nothing else.
  • [kate] help me carrying boxes to the yoga room this afternoon (and stay for some sorting!?)
    • People volunteer
  • [Rob] Headphones Vortex?
    • Vortex procedure explained. Take them!
  • [Riell] pot got lost because it ends in the freeshop. Shoes in the hallway please dont.
    • [Kate] suppervise stuff until it reaches its asigned destination.

Round 2

  • [ginger] mice issue. A worry, but I lowered my standards.
    • [Larissa] poop found this morning in the coffee shelf.
    • [Franz] favourite traps I will make them come.
    • [Janina] properly covering everything is very difficult.
    • [Kate] crums and snack kitchen is mice heaven. Probably mice have been everywhere. Shit is quite toxic, reminder.
    • [Rob] Close doors! For temperature purposes too.
    • [Thomas] fridge proposal. More space for mouse-safe storage.
  • [Antonin] temperatures are dropping - please don't leave windows open for too long
    • [Janina] this also includes staircase toilet windows. don't just open them and leave, please! stink is better than cold! ;)
    • [tilmann] also, leave doors closed, especially to the staircases
  • [Janina] laptop? Time to get a new one. Does someone have one laying around?
    • Antonin and Lrissa will talk about it.

Round 3

  • [Antonin] Visitor requests:
    • Kayla & Jakob, who discovered Kanthaus in the utopian bike tour and would like to come from 8./9.10 to 20.10
    • Sian via workaway, available now for one to two weeks
    • [Antonin] I will decline if not approached in the next few hours.

Task lottery & food planning

  • Serve lunch: 13:00
  • Serve dinner: 19:00
  • Free shop Tuesday shift: ~14:30 - 17:30
  • Free shop Thursday shift: ~09:30 - 12:30


  • Mon. lunch:
  • Tue. lunch:
  • Wed. lunch:
  • Thu. lunch:
  • Fri. lunch:


  • Mon. lunch: Riell
  • Tue. lunch: Riell
  • Wed. lunch: Riell
  • Thu. lunch: Riell
  • Fri. lunch: Riell
  • Week:


  • Mon. lunch:
  • Tue. lunch:
  • Wed. lunch:
  • Thu. lunch:
  • Fri. lunch:

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