Coordination Meeting

CoMe #364

  • Date: 2024-10-07
  • Facilitator: Janina
  • Notary: Antonin
  • Physical calendar: Dorota
  • Digital calendar: Martin
  • Todo board: Dorota
  • Present: Kate, Thomas, Sam, Ned, Freya, Lena, Riëll, Luise, Martin, Flora, Janina, Ginger, Tilmann, Gwen, Dorota, Antonin, Doug

0. Check-in round

1. Last week review


usage graph last 90 days (Usage during the last 90 days)

  • Present: 11.9 people/day (-7.3)
  • 🌡️ Average outdoor temperature: 10.5 °C (-3.6 °C)
  • ⚡ Electricity
    • temporarily broken
  • 💧 Water
    • paid: 35.24 €/week (⬆️+13%)
    • emissions: 2.7 kg CO₂ₑ/week


  • [Martin] -12€ for vacuum cleaner bags and soap.
  • [Martin] -40€ for 2x ear protection mufflers
  • [Tilmann] -69€ for 3x door closers, second-hand
  • [thomas] some euros for cow and oat milk


  • building weeks came to a close and brought prettyfications in staircase, bathroom and snack kitchen as well as attic floor improvements and a lot of verschenkelade organising!
  • many many many mushrooms were collected, processed and consumed
  • foodsharing potato action on the market square with about 70 people including Verschenkeladen advertisement
  • all our root veggies were sorted
  • new mini project between the Verschenkeladen and the local Gymnasium
  • leaves were removed from shed roof

2. This week planning

Evaluations and check-ins

:judge: Due for evaluation (and seen within the last 7 days):

  • Antonin Volunteer: Days Visited threshold 102/60 (+70%)
  • Virgilio_Martin Visitor: Days Visited threshold 30/21 (+43%)
  • Thomas_Doug Visitor: Days Visited threshold 27/21 (+29%)
  • Tilmann Member: Days Visited threshold 206/180 (+14%)
  • Lena_masterarbeit Visitor: Days Visited threshold 24/21 (+14%)

:clock1130: Due for evaluation soon (in the next 7 days, and seen within the last 7 days)

  • Riëll Volunteer: 0 days until Days Visited threshold (60)
  • Fia_Robert Visitor: 6 days until Days Visited threshold (21)


  • Monday
    • 10:00, CoMe + Power Hour [Janina]
    • evening: bring out black bin? [Riëll]
    • irish folk session in Leipzig
  • Tuesday *
  • Wednesday
    • car unloading action
    • trash tour?
  • Thursday
    • 10:00 Antonin's evaluation? [Janina]
    • evening: bring out green bin [Tilmann]
  • Friday
    • 10:00 Social sauna [Doug]
    • Attic furniture action?
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Next Monday
    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour [Doug]

To do → done

  • clean spiderwebs of K20 entrance

Discussion & announcements

  • Shopping plans? Positive/negative (self-)feedback? Open visitor requests?
  • Prioritise smaller & more urgent points (bring bigger points to PlaMe)
  • Per round, each person can raise one point

Round 1

  • [Martin] What about buying some sound absorbing foam for the dining room? 27 euros for 12 squares 30x30cm
    • [tilmann] maybe get those from Leipzig?
      • might not be available anymore
    • [Martin] looks good!
    • people seem to be happy to give out money for this
    • [Doug] there is some additional layer you could add to make it more durable
    • [Tilmann] there could be some other wooden options, more durable
    • people are keen to have this
    • Thomas, Riëll, Tilmann and Martin are teaming up
  • [Janina] Resrec: I am now doing it again but I am going to leave on Friday so someone should take over then
  • [Tilmann] please don't leave puddles of water on the snack kitchen table!
    • [Janina] or anywhere actually
  • [Ned] I painted a sign for the facade, Janina finds it a bit hard to read, what do people think about it? I could make all letters in the same colours. I would do any changes today as I am leaving tomorrow.
    • [Doug] proposal that people give Ned feedback and Ned makes a final decision
    • agreed

Round 2

  • [Martin] Visitor request: Marynia through Workaway. Starting October 14th, but flexible. And Denis, from Serbia, also workaway, kinda funny definitely unserious profile, maybe for a couple of weeks late October, or a bit more? Would anyone would like hosting?
    • [Dorota] I feel up for hosting Denis, but I'm here not so often
      • people don't seem to have resistance to that
    • [Martin] could imagine hosting Marynia first and then passing it on to Tilmann when he leaves
  • [Martin] Feedback: Many buckets were not fully closed yesterday evening. Moths! and mice too
  • [Martin] also please clear the shower drain so that the water can leave the bath tub quickly

Task lottery & food planning

  • Serve lunch: 13:00
  • Serve dinner: 19:00
  • Free shop Tuesday shift: ~14:30 - 17:30
  • Free shop Thursday shift: ~09:30 - 12:30


  • Mon. dinner: Flori
  • Tue. dinner: Luise
  • Wed. dinner: Antonin, Lena
  • Thu. dinner:
  • Fri. dinner:


  • Mon. dinner:
  • Tue. dinner: Janina
  • Wed. dinner: Janina
  • Thu. dinner:
  • Fri. dinner: Martin, Janina
  • Week: Tilmann, Kate, Dorota, Riëll, Ned, Freya, Sam


  • Mon. dinner: Flori, Thomas
  • Tue. dinner: Luise, Ginger
  • Wed. dinner: Antonin, Lena
  • Thu. dinner: Martin
  • Fri. dinner: Doug

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