Governance rationalization meeting

Present: Nick, Tilmann, Tais, Janina, Alex, Talita
Notary: Janina, Nick
Date: 2018-07-31, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Expectations for the meeting

  • collect and rationalize all the ideas that are floating around right now
  • good outcome would be to have some clear gitlab issues and discussions in there so that we can vote on them in the not so distant future
  • get clarity about what to put where and what the current state actually is
  • discuss the onboarding


Review GitLab issues:

Janina's list from the Personal Projects Update:

  • a host system for visitors
  • an informal check-in round with visitors after one week
  • split up house tours in basic and detailed versions to reduce the cognitive load
  • a checklist for detailed house tours
  • requirements and specifications for renting contracts
  • a clearer focus on project work instead of communal living
  • a cooking policy

Nick's thoughts about the position system (from writing the script):

This is my approximate and perhaps slightly simplified understanding of the main transitions of the position system - perhaps the most interesting thing here is that the "nothing" state is quite important to understand where people come from and where they go. at the moment though the script considers them a guest (well a visitor) for ever after. but if a guest was only a person who is in the house, then an absent volunteer becomes a guest who is not in the house. it confuses me.

  • Additional thoughts:
    • Should we shut down the house if there's no volunteer or member in the house?
    • Can visitors have visitors?

Going forward

Topics to be discussed and clarified now

  • a host system for visitors
  • an informal check-in round with visitors after one week

Topics which possibly don't need official documentation

  • split up house tours in basic and detailed versions to reduce the cognitive load
  • a checklist for detailed house tours

Topics which are delayed for now

  • requirements and specifications for renting contracts (people most interested in it are not here right now)
  • a clearer focus on project work instead of communal living (can be talked about in another meeting)
  • a cooking policy (Chandi's baby)


The host system

  • every visitor needs a volunteer or member to be their host if they want to stay overnight
  • the host is their visitor's buddy basically, it's not to make the host the absolute responsible
  • hosts need to be in the house during their visitor's stay, otherwise a host handover is necessary
  • the hosting period is one week and ends with the check-in round
  • the host system is not mainly about dealing with conflicts, people should still address their conflicts themselves
  • if people turn up spontaneously we decide on a case by case basis
  • if no host can be found emails should still be answered, but by whom and when?
  • groups also need (at least) one host, but this is a slightly different topic

The check-in round

  • needs to take place before the visitor's 8th day, the host is responsible for scheduling it
  • it is a structure to give feedback, mostly to make sure that we take the time for it
  • also meant to make onboarding smoother
  • like an evaluation without voting
  • if things go well the hosting shifts from an individual to the whole of kanthaus
  • who can participate? volunteers and members can always participate, others at the discretion of the visitor/host

Things that might go into the constitution

  • the changes made in March
  • a refinement of the position system (like add the 'nothing' state and generally make script and scripture align)

Things that might go in the collective agreements

  • the host system
  • the check-in round

Other ...

  • more documentation of the visiTour can be put on Gitlab
  • more focus on project work can be put on (Tilmann already made a pr)
  • a section about food already appeared in the CoMe template
  • the renting contracts need more thought

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