Coordination Meeting
- Date: 2018-09-10
- Facilitator: Doug
- Notary: Doug
- Present: Doug, Matthias, Bodhi
1. People arriving and leaving
- Friday - Sunday, 10-15 foodsharing people (a few may stay into next week)
2. Evaluations and check-ins
3. Changes to Governance
- Doug to start round 2 of constitutional amendment
4. Last week review
- Water (€4.5 per m³):
- Last 7 days: €1.78 (-30%)
- 7 days before that: €2.54/day
- Electricity usage (€0.2595 per kWh):
- Last 7 days: 1.79€/day (76% of last week)
- 6 days before that: €2.34/day
- Gas bottles bought (€12 each): 0
- Income via donations (please check the shoe and the box):
- Dishwasher can now be operated with solar heated water. Instructions will follow.
- We have a freezer in the basement now. It is clean and filled with pizza.
- The oven fan works, why it makes a terrible noise is still unkown.
5. Schedule and commitments
- Monday:
- Compost toilet meeting (Doug, Bodhi)
- Tuesday:
- Room ventilation meeting (Matthias, Doug)
- RepairCafe: 17:00 (Matthias, Chandi)
- Fairteiler: 19:00 (Doug)
- Wednesday:
- Sharing event: (Matthias)
- Make sure none of our cars park in front of K20 for Thursday morning (bodhi) (Please add to calendar)
- Thursday:
- PowerHour: 10:00
- Gelber Säcke raus
- Friday:
- Market pickup: Return high green create, lower green crate. (doug) . Saturday:
- Sunday:
- Next Monday:
- CoMe Facilitator: Matthias
6. Food planning
- Matthias to monitor freezer
- Can we stop the oven fan sounding bad?
- Eat fruit erryday (every day)
7. Discussion (e.g. questions, proposals, updates, requests, etc)
- Ban on accumulation of stuff for 1-2 months. suggestion: people are only alowed to pickup/bringt us things if at least 3 people (that are currently residing in house) are like "wuahhuwhhw yeeeaaaa we really need this!!" (Bodhi)
- Proposal was in reaction to last house pickup, Bodhi has since found a lot of the stuff useful.
- Proposal not adopted. Being generally critical of future pickups, and making pickupers responsible for stuff agreed.
- Proposal: use window holders, even if not windy at that moment. (Doug)
- Agreed. Direct feedback encouraged.
- Proposal: agreement to keep k18 side of k20 entrance clear at all times. (Doug)
- Agreed. "Don't leave stuff in the entrance. If you leave stuff in the entrance you are responsible to move it as soon as possible or when asked to."
- Matthias interested to mark 'clean-zone' on floor.
- Toilet seat in k20-1# toilet is quite often wet... I don't like that very much -> please check and wipe with toilet paper :-) (Matthias)
- Agreed.
- Calling mobile phones (German) from the landline is not free anymore, but 2.4ct/minute. For other rates check German landlines are still free (Matthias)