Coordination Meeting
- Date: 2018-09-17
- Facilitator: Matthias
- Notary:
- Present:
1. People arriving and leaving
- today: Laurina, Michal (maybe tuesday), larissa (maybe tuesday); (maybe lise)
- wednesday: Silvan
- leaving: manu (tuesday), clara/nathalie/tore (wednesday), aggi/q/fion/bodhi/doug (wednesday-friday), nico (friday), matthias&laurina (thursday to tuesday); chandi&findus (this week);
2. Evaluations and check-ins
- none
3. Changes to Governance
- second voting round will start today (doug)
4. Last week review
Water (€4.5 per m³):
- Last 7 days: 1.91€/day (+7.5%)
- 7 days before that: €1.78/day
Electricity usage (€0.2595 per kWh):
- Last 7 days: 2.44€/day (+36%)
- 7 days before that: €1.79/day
Gas bottles bought (€12 each): 0
Income (please check the shoe and the box): 0
Bodhi and Matthias prepared a lot of things for installing heating system in K22. Still, some material is missing but ordered. Finish date still unknown but likely soon.
Bodhi Matthias and Doug talked about window preservation. First action plan evolved, bathroom window will be the first one to take action on.
Bodhi Matthias and Doug talked about ventilation (further planning needs to be done; Doug and Matthias meet again soon)
Matthias gathered his first plaster experience on the K22-0-1 outside wall (a piece) as well as started filling the joins between the bricks in K20-hallway. Let's see how it looks in a week when it should be dry.
Bodhi removed K22 staircase toilet to start with compost toilets soon. One ceiling beam need to be replaced to another position to make it work.
Chandi and matthias repaired their first solar inverter :-)
5. Schedule and commitments
- Monday: Move vehicle (bodhi); we would like to go to the lake in the afternoon; Acroyoga crew goes to leipzig for the evening
- Tuesday:
- RepairCafe: 17:00
- Fairteiler: 19:00 (clara, bodhi, nico)
- rest waste (no need to bring out)
- Wednesday:
- Power hour: 10.00
- Sharing event: 17:00 (chandi; spontaneous)
- Move vehicles (this week not necessary as no cars there)
- Thursday:
- Friday:
- Market pickup: 12:00 (michal or doug)
- Saturday:
- Sunday:
- Next Monday:
- CoMe facilitator: Doug
6. Food planning
- Schmorgurken would like to be prepared
- Doug did a mistake when he dumpsterwashed last week: He put food needing to be eaten soon in a bucket that was standing in the edge. For the future, just put fast-to-be-eaten-food into a small box into the kitchen.
7. Discussion (e.g. questions, proposals, updates, requests, etc)
- The hallway has been really clear this week, yay :) Let's go even further with being non-blocking. (Doug)
- Proposal: close for visitors mid-Jan to mid-Feb for winter community and introspection. It's the coldest part of the year and allows WuWiTa/NJ to hang around for a bit. (Doug). Slight Concern: University is going at these times. Other concern: If we are very little people and then close down that might also not be good.
- Frauke wishes to visit and do work experience, 11nov - 23nov (Doug)
- Schuhe im Flur: Es sind geade mega wenig Schlappen/Crocs/etc. im Flur, vorhin kein Paar. Wo sind die alle hin? Das ist mega unpraktisch, wenn man mal fix in den Keller/Garten möchte. Ich (Silvan) habe jetzt ein paar ausm Treppenhaus und ein Paar ausm Random Stuff Storage in den Flur gestellt. -> Bodhi glaubt daran mitschuld zu sein. Geschlossene (warme) hausschuhe sind auf dem Dachboden in der Schuhkiste.
- Wenn ihr Fotos im Zusammenhang mit dem Kanthaus macht, bitte speichert diese in der Cloud! (Es ist extrem nervig die verschiedenen Speicherorte ausfindig zu machen, wenn Fotos gesucht werden).
- (Freiwillige) Standupmeetings um 09:30 Uhr draußen im Garten. Alle sind eingeladen, den Tag zu planen.
- Bitte kein Holz/keine scharfen Gegenstände in den Geschirrspüler
- Der Siemens-Staubsauger gehört in das Kabuff hinter der Snackkitchen