Autumn 2018 Roadmap meeting
- Date: 2018-09-04
- Present: Lise, Tilmann, Silvan, Matthias, Doug, Bodhi, Janina
- Notary: all
This meeting is to pinpoint the tasks for the next three months. We had a separate Room Planning Meeting some days before and will use the insights we gathered there in the task definition today.
Period of autumn by Kanthaus definition: 2018-09-04 to 2018-12-01: 87 days, 12 weeks
Days we will spend at Kanthaus / we will spend doing planned roadmap work for Kanthaus:
- Matthias: 75 days / 25 days
- Bodhi: 65 days / 30 days
- Doug: 65 days / 20 days
- Silvan: 50 days / 25 days
- Lise: 35 days / 10 days
- Janina: 30 days / 10 days
- Tilmann: 10 days / 5 days
(We separated and thought about the two categories of tasks mentioned below for 20 minutes individually before talking about the points together.)
Tasks we want to personally commit to:
- Eingangsbereich fertig machen (Farbe/Licht/Garderoben/Schaukel)
- Garten (Pflanzen nach Frost entsorgen)
- Silvan-Lager aufräumen / sortieren
- Wanddurchbruch (Recherche)
- Arts&Crafts-Raum vorbereiten ?
- Fassadenkunst recherchieren
- Projekt Christian Kuhtz Bücher
- Wasser/Heizung K22
- indoor air exchange (at least for rooms where it provides massive comfort increase)
- heating system controller
- helping with compost toilet planning
- inverterreparaturen/verkauf (mit Chandi)
- Mehr mit Kalkputz/Kalkkaseinfarbe beschäftigen/ausprobieren
- compost toilet concept work
- compost toilet building
- sorting random stuff storage
- moving stuff to new basement storage
- label things in living room and office
- finish sorting stuff in office
- hang cabinets in center shed
- water in K22
- heating in K22
- get bufdi things going again maybe?
- move kitchen to “food storage room”
- ebike / e-trailer solution / build a carla cargo trailer
- get a list of which consumables are important to whom
- make the freeshop usable (if the transfer progress enables me to...)
- add host system and check-in round to collective agreements (and maybe more improvements wrt guest/visitor system)
- Dry food storage sortieren, insektensicher machen & ggf umziehen
- Regale austauschen
- food-awareness-system
- Metallregale in den Keller & einräumen
- alles zusammen:
- private room(s) schön machen, vllt streichen & einrichten
- keep projects on home page up-to-date - continuous task, no issue
- integrate decision making better in kanthaus life, e.g. notifications for ukuvota?
- push setting up file backups for kanthaus nextcloud, maybe locally to a server inside kanthaus
- build some more warm lights
- 'The problem of stuff being left places it shouldn't be'
- 'That whole visitor-and-positions thing'
- Windows
- Moist-air exchange & heat recovery
Tasks we want to be done, but which we can't/won't do ourselves:
- mehr Regenwasser abfangen
- Kompostklos
- Grafana Wasser / Gas
- alle Fahrräder mit Licht ausstatten
- steel beam in K20 (check, replaster)
- stay on the solar-electric usage thing, so we can einspeisen our solar energy
- more storage space (dedicated storage areas in topic rooms)
- sort the food storage (maybe implement a system of rations per season)
- get volunteer and member profiles in the hallway
maybe: - swap locations of silent office and main kitchen AND
- swap locations of cloud room and living room
- Küche fest umziehen bzw. darauf einigen wohin
- Heizung in K22
- Wasser & Strom in K22
- dorm & communal tauschen?
- storage für Bettzeug, etc.
- private & visitor storage (Raum?)
- plant some trees in the garden: peach trees from sven and high trees in front of the house, along the laundry lines, to give shade in summer and protect from wind and rain. e.g. poplar (Pappel) (talk to Silvan if you're interested in this)
- establish project updates as fixed part of kanthaus:
- fume extraction in kitchen:
- set up recurring donations platform
- organize some events and acquire funding
- remove more wood in attics K20+K22