Coordination Meeting
- Date: 2018-09-03
- Facilitator: Matthias
- Notary: Tilmann
- Present: Matthias, Janina, Lise, Tilmann, Silvan, Doug, Hannah, Bodhi, James
1. People arriving and leaving
- James leaves today
- Larissa comes today
- Luke wants to visit in the afternoon
- Janina and Tilmann leave on Wednesday
- Lise leaves on Wednesday
- Hannah leaves on Wednesday
2. Evaluations and check-ins
- Doug and Janina are due for member evaluation
3. Changes to Governance
- Constitutional change round 1 is over! Some small errors in the proposals have already been detected again... -.- The idea is to maybe make it possible to make changes on formatting issues in-between the two voting rounds, while still counting the proposal as the same. (More discussion and maybe a meeting needed..?)
- It is not over yet, Bodhi can still vote today :-)
- Collective Agreements should be changed soon, so that we can add the host system and the check-in round. Will be discussed in #kanthaus-governance on Slack. Janina would be happy for someone pushing this! -> Doug and maybe Matthias and Lise are interested in pushing this
4. Last week review
- Water (€4.5 per m³):
- Last 7 days: €2.54/day
- 6 days before that: €2.63/day
- Electricity usage (€0.2595 per kWh):
- Last 7 days: €2.34/day
- 6 days before that: €2.04/day
- Gas bottles bought (€12 each): 4
- Income via donations (please check the shoe and the box): 120€ (last week unrecorded), 100€ + $20 (shoe); mismatch 3€
- Silvan became a member!
- We had a very long and fruitful room planning meeting!
- Summer is over and we did a summer roadmap review!
- Silvan, Chandi and Findus hosted an Acroyoga session!
- Matthias installed a new shelf in the hallway of the K20-2 flat and Janina filled it with stuff!
- Janina finished sorting the communal closet!
- Anja fixed a lot of clothes!
- Bodhi and Lise have the chance to get better at using the law!
- We had a lot of awesome cake made by Findus and Lise!
- We had an icecream buffet thanks to Hannah
- We had a nice game evening playing Bohnanza
5. Schedule and commitments
- Monday:
- make sure none of our cars park on opposite street side of K20 for Tuesday morning
- Checkin round for James after CoMe
- Evaluation for Doug and Janina around noon (after breakfast)
- communal closet tour at 17.00 (janina, meet in communal closet)
- Tuesday:
- Checkin round for hannah (spontaneously)
- Autumn Roadmap Meeting: 12:30
- RepairCafe: 17:00 (matthias)
- Fairteiler: 19:00 (bodhi, silvan)
- Wednesday:
- Sharing event: ?
- make sure none of our cars park in front of K20 for Thursday morning (bodhi)
- Thursday:
- PowerHour: 10:00 (matthias)
- Friday:
- Market pickup: There are two boxes to be returned: A brown box and a black half box. Will be marked and put to washing room. (doug) . Saturday:
- Sunday:
- make sure none of our cars park on right side of Walter-Rathenau-Str. for Monday morning
- Next Monday:
- CoMe Facilitator: Doug
6. Food planning
- quite much short-lasting food from Villa Klug arrived, please eat!
- please do not give away any more onions! (at least not randomly during fair-teiler opening..) we dont have sooo many anymore and they are awesome to have :)
7. Discussion (e.g. questions, proposals, updates, requests, etc)
- Wenn Leute aus dem Dorm "ausziehen" sollten sie darauf hin gewiesen werden, dass die Betten nach einem Abziehen auch wieder frisch zu beziehen sind.
- Tilmann will make a sign
- The Address book in our cloud has a lot more data. Check the data and add more, especially birth dates :)
- Grundstückverschmelzung: Seems to be the requirement to do anything that touches both buildings (e.g. Durchbruch) - we would need to speak to the WGW regarding our Bauverpflichtung to either remove or change it - total cost in both cases would be approximately 200-400€. (Draft by matthias)
- Bodhi is looking for a box with camping stuff on the opposite side of the dishwasher (moved to the table in the random stuff storage)
- Estimation for making basement rooms drier/nice: ~35-50€/m² for flooring, ~20€/m² for walls; optional outside drainage when still to wet (~1.5k€ for the garden side); K20-big room: 30m² floor, 60m² walls -> 1500-2000 €
- Pass through heater for shower is broken :-( We don't know why. Solar energy shifted 100% to showers for now
- There's a proposal of adding a project gallery to Kanthaus home page, you can comment on the PR: will merge tonight if there's no resistance (Tilmann)
- Car parking: there's no street cleaning in Schweizergartenstraße, so either park the car there or in front of our house if needed
- suggestion to show costs in CoMe as percentage of last week (matthias might think about a scripting approach)
- There is the idea of closing Kanthaus (somewhen in winter time) to do a governance hackathon and maybe more (e.g. handbook hackathon)