Coordination Meeting

CoMe #343

  • Date: 2024-05-06
  • Facilitator: Janina
  • Notary: Kate
  • Physical calendar: Lui
  • Digital calendar: Moritz
  • Todo board: Dorota
  • Weekly reservation sheets: Ema
  • Weather forecast: Janina
  • Present: Janina, Dorota, Larissa, Robert, Edda, Ema, Moritz, Zwieback, Tilmann, Doug, Kate, Lips, Lui, Astrid

0. Check-in round

1. Last week review


usage graph last 90 days (Usage during the last 90 days)

  • Present: 18.7 people/day (+1.9)
  • ⚡ Electricity
    • usage: 26.56 €/week (⬇️-30%)
      • of that for heating: 0.34 €/week
      • of that for hot water: 2.04 €/week
      • of that for K20-3 heatpump: 0.0 €/week
    • paid: -41.39 €/week
    • ☀️ self produced: 75% (⬇️-8%)
    • emissions: 19 kg CO₂ₑ/week
  • 💧 Water
    • paid: 24.91 €/week (⬆️+11%)
    • emissions: 1.9 kg CO₂ₑ/week


  • [tilmann] 142€ washing powder


  • 50€ tip from neighbor for helping her move furniture.

Things that happened

  • Kidical Mass in Leipzig
  • 1-1-Evaluations
  • NaTho moved :(
  • big spring clean in the K18
  • transpis for CSD were painted
  • PlaMe
  • undjetzt?! group
  • spontaenous and organized food cleaning parties
  • 1st of May with people going to different demos or into nature

Popcorn feedback

  • doug: dining room table was in a much better state this week! i feel like my feedback was heard and taken on, very grateful.

2. This week planning

People arriving and leaving

  • Mon.: Maxime should arrive in the evening, Larissa spends the night in LE, Astrid leaves until Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning
  • Tue.: Edda leaves
  • Wed.: Flips - Moritz are leaving
  • Thu.: JaTiMiLe leave in the morning (maybe Wednesday), Astrid leaves until Saturday
  • Fri.: Larissa leaves
  • Sat.: JaTiMiLe come back
  • Sun.: Lips, Ema and Lui are coming back
  • Mon.: Larissa comes back
  • Some day: Nathalie, Thore come to Wurzen

Weather forecast

Evaluations and check-ins

  • Dorota Volunteer: Days Visited threshold 80/60 (+33%)
  • Kate Volunteer: 0 days until Days Visited threshold (60)
  • Zui Volunteer: -29 days until Absolute Days threshold (365)


  • Monday

    • paper waste
    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour [Janina]
  • Tuesday

    • rest waste [Doug]
    • 10:00 Dorota evaluation [Larissa]
  • Wednesday

    • 11:00 CSD Orga-Treffen
    • 14:00 Kranzniederlegung zum Tag der Befreiung @Stadtpark
    • 16:00 Gedenken zum Tag der Bücherverbrennung @Marktplatz
  • Thursday

    • public holiday
    • friendstival @Luftschlosserei starts
    • 09:00 Qi gong [Rob]
  • Friday

  • Saturday

    • organic waste [Rob]
    • 11:00 supermarket pickup [JaTi]
  • Sunday

  • Next Monday

    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour [Rob]
  • Next week summary

    • CSD!! (wednesday, 16:30)

Hats for the week

  • E-Mails:
  • Telephone:

Open Visitor Requests

  • none

Shopping plans

  • [Doug] 30€ for replacement silicone gun (last one was lent without deposit or contact details to people we didn't know)
  • [Doug] cheap sunflower seeds
  • [Doug] ~100€ for pens (see discussion)

To do → done

  • sieving the compost: just a liiiiittle more...

Discussion & Announcements

Round 1

  • [kate] please help me move this evening from 17h
    • from Dehnitz (4th floor) to Crostigall (1st floor)
    • we'll leave here at 5 to go to Dehnitz, should be back in Crostigall around 6
    • room for 1 more person to go in the van with Dietmar and Kate
    • Dorota already agreed to help in Dehnitz, at least one more person would be great
    • there'll be pizza afterwards :)
    • help in Crostigall doesn't seem a problem, but Dehnitz still needs hands :)
  • [janina] communal lunch or dinner or both this week?
    • vote: 7 for lunch, 3 for dinner, 1 for both, 3 don't care
    • Next week people who care about food should come with a proposal so that we don't have to discuss every week
  • [Larissa] Feels that the Scabies situation should be made more transparent. Who feels they have a risk, are people going to get treatment etc.
    • [Rob] will get treatment tomorrow, he feels he has some risk
    • [Astrid] Why not just change the sheets, some will feel more comfortable, even if the risk is only 2-4 days
    • [Doug] Doesn't feel concerned
    • [Larissa] Feels she is low risk, hasn't slept in private rooms, but thinks about sofas and kids. She now feels that people are aware and informed.
    • [Lips] Still deciding about treatment
    • [Rob] Had this in his last flat. He didn't do anything about it, but thinking about it a lot was exhausting. For him, it makes sense to have some concept about it. Like a group understanding about what to do with their clothes. So then he doesn't need to think about it.
    • [Janina] Thinking about the risk with Levi. Zwieback was cuddling with Levi for circa 10 minutes. Wonders if Levi should get treated. Invites people to speak to her or Tilmann if they have opinions about treating Levi.
    • [Zwieback] has treated themselves now
    • People who are high risk should sleep in one bed and not share clothes
  • [Rob] has a connection with a regenerative farm, he will find out costs for oats and give us a report about the price and project

Round 2

  • [Doug] Good markers—easily refillable—everywhere they're needed, held in convenient holders. 105.46€ for markers, replacement tips and ink (See Should last 5+ years. (I want to do this and will personally fund whatever the collective doesn't.)
    • [Larissa] Concerned about the pens themselves going missing
    • [Doug] feels that in proper holders with good distribution it won't be such a problem
    • [Doug] Open to ideas about how to get them for free or cheap? Doug will put in a specific expense request and see what people's reactions are at that time.

Task lottery & food planning


  • Mon. lunch: Astrid, Edda
  • Tue. lunch:
  • Tue. free shop: freeshopkate
  • Wed. lunch:
  • Thu. lunch: Kate
  • Fri. lunch:


  • Mon. lunch: Robert, Doug
  • Tue. lunch: Robert, Doug
  • Tue. free shop: Zwieback, Robert, Janina, Doug
  • Wed. lunch: Zwieback, Janina
  • Thu. lunch: Zwieback, Janina
  • Fri. lunch: Zwieback, Janina
  • Week: Tilmann, Lips, Lui, Ema, Larissa, Dorota


  • Mon. lunch: Astrid, Edda
  • Tue. lunch: Janina, Zwieback
  • Tue. free shop: freeshopkate
  • Wed. lunch: Doug
  • Thu. lunch: Kate
  • Fri. lunch: Moritz

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