Coordination Meeting

CoMe #344

  • Date: 2024-05-13
  • Facilitator: Rob
  • Notary: Janina
  • Physical calendar: Larissa
  • Digital calendar: Tilmann
  • Todo board: Dorota
  • Weekly reservation sheets: Lui
  • Weather forecast: Martin
  • Present: Rob, Janina, Tilmann, Maxime, Kate, Doug, Larissa, Dorota, Martin, Lui, Astrid

0. Check-in round

1. Last week review


usage graph last 90 days (Usage during the last 90 days)

  • Present: 11.1 people/day (-7.7)
  • ⚡ Electricity
    • usage: 22.33 €/week (⬇️-13%)
      • of that for heating: 0.31 €/week
      • of that for hot water: 1.52 €/week
      • of that for K20-3 heatpump: 0.0 €/week
    • paid: -42.67 €/week
    • ☀️ self produced: 76% (⬆️+2%)
    • emissions: 16 kg CO₂ₑ/week
  • 💧 Water
    • paid: 18.28 €/week (⬇️-27%)
    • emissions: 1.4 kg CO₂ₑ/week


  • 10 euro Olive Oil [kate]


  • at least 10 € via donation box

Things that happened

  • Dumpster diving action followed by a big food cleanining party
  • Tilmann shelled all of the soybeans :tada:
  • some people went to Luftschlosserei, Grünheide or Spinnerei/Lausitz
  • we got a new old chest freezer
  • some people went to a BBQ at Ahmed's
  • a bean trellis was built in the garden
  • many plants for the Kleingarten are growing
  • two big items from K18 were already taken via Kleinanzeigen, more is reserved

Popcorn feedback

  • [Janina] Clothes pegs on clothes lines - let's please not have them everywhere!
  • [Larissa] if you buy food, please make sure that it's labeled with a '€' (especially if it's not vegan)
  • [Martin] Please clean the drain from the shower after using it.
  • [Larissa] Moritz the cat came out of K18 once, so let's maybe keep the door closed.
    • [Martin] But not immediately, cause there is a cable running atm.
  • [Janina] Very impressed with Fia's food cleaning energy!

2. This week planning

People arriving and leaving

  • Mon.: Martin leaves for a night, Lips, Ema and Moritz come back
  • Tue.: zui and Andrea arrive, Antonin comes back, Zwieback comes back
  • Wed.: Doug leaves
  • Thu.: Rob leaves until Tuesday, zui and Andrea leaves
  • Fri.: Lui leaves until Monday, Ema leaves until 26.5., Martin leaves, Maxime leaves
  • Sat.: Larissa leaves until monday or tuesday, JaTiMiLe leave
  • Sun.:
  • Mon.: JaTiMiLe return
  • Some day: Astrid maybe leaves for the weekend

Weather forecast

first sun, then clouds, then rain. also a bit of drop in temperature, but still springy weather.


  • Monday
    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour [Rob]
    • 17:00 - Meeting @D5 [Larissa, you?]
  • Tuesday
    • 11:00 - Rob's evaluation [Doug]
  • Wednesday
    • 10:30 - Exibition about textile's production circumstances gets delivered @church [Janina, you?]
    • 16:30 - CSD Wurzen @train station
  • Thursday
    • 10:00 - IT maintenance co-working [Antonin]
    • 17:00 - Copwatch LE: our rights when dealing with the police @attic [FFJ]
  • Friday
    • yellow bins [Lui]
    • 10:00 - Project Updates [Janina]
  • Saturday
    • 15:00 - Spinnerei Sommerfest (also journeymen construction site closing party) - come and visit! [Kito]
  • Sunday
  • Next Monday
    • Public holiday
    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour :scream:
  • Next week summary
    • Saturday: Organic waste!
    • Saturday: Vernissage with Kleidertauschparty!

Evaluations and check-ins

  • Kate Volunteer: Days Visited threshold 64/60 (+7%)
  • Request: Rob's evaluation this week?
  • Zui proposed 2 dates after this week (see discussion)


  • Larissa Member: 5 days until Days Visited threshold (180)
  • Astrid_Kito Visitor: 1 days until Days Visited threshold (21)

Hats for the week

  • E-Mails: Janina
  • Telephone:

Open Visitor Requests

  • none

Shopping plans

  • [Janina] grass seeds for the terraformed corner
    • [Kate] clover is better
    • no resistance

To do → done

  • Reinstall toilet paper holder in the baby bathroom [Rob]

Discussion & Announcements

Round 1

  • [Tilmann] chest freezer being tested in K18 hallway
    • seems fine. electricity 2€/week (±0.5€)
    • could add some more insulation. I'm looking for Styrofoam panels.
    • should be moved to the basement
    • unclear: what food where, when to turn off
    • [Larissa] Which one is the better one to have empty, when we want to turn one off?
    • [Tilmann] No hard preference, still some unclarities.
    • [Martin] Let's aim for not having both running during winter.
    • [Janina] Tilmann seems to already feels responsible for the logistical part, the use proposal is still up for grabs. Maybe if someone wants to think about something they can make a draft and then we discuss it on Slack.
  • [Larissa] Tasks for CSD: talk to me if you want to help out :)
    • People needed to act as Ordner_Innen, for logistics before the event and for help during the event on the market square.
    • Make sure to invite everyone you know! And come yourselves of course! :D
  • [Janina] Organic waste crisis: After the bin wasn't put out last week, there are 'premium compost' bins now. Please make an effort to use them, to reduce the load on our organic waste bin!
    • Premium compost bins are labeled, normal organic waste bins are not.
    • 'Premium compost' means: only uncooked fruit and veggie scraps and no citrus fruit. Make sure to remove labels, rubber bands and the likes. If you want, you could even chop up big things to make them better.
    • When a premium compost bin is full, let a Kleingarten person know (e.g. Doug or Rob) and feel free to label a new bin.
  • [zui] i have two days where i could come for an evaluation this month: 21. (tu) or 29. (we). you can choose the time. :)
    • More people are here on the 29th, so that day it is.
    • The exact time will be figured out later.
  • [Dorota] Highland Games: Over Pfingsten there are knights fighting on horses in Trebsen. I wanna go, does anybody else want to accompany me? :)
  • [Doug] Let's make an effort to phrase statements in the feedback section more like personal requests or observations and less like demands.

Round 2

  • [Janina] Exibition 'Tuchfühlung - Vom Reinwaschen und Schönfärben': Delivery to the church could use some extra hands for maybe 15-30 minutes on Wednesday around 10:30 am. Please talk to me if you can imagine to help!
  • [Larissa] Private shoe sale: I'll start one today or tomorrow and then leave it for 2 weeks. Details will be on a sign and on Slack.

Task lottery & food planning


  • Mon. lunch:
  • Tue. lunch:
  • Tue. free shop: freeshopkate
  • Wed. lunch:
  • Thu. lunch: Ema, lips
  • Fri. lunch: Antonin


  • Mon. lunch: Janina, kate
  • Tue. lunch: Lui, Janina,kate
  • Tue. free shop: Lui
  • Wed. lunch: Janina
  • Thu. lunch: Lui, Astrid
  • Fri. lunch: Lui, Astrid, Maxime
  • Week: Martin, Rob, Tilmann, Larissa


  • Mon. lunch: Doug, Lui
  • Tue. lunch: Astrid
  • Tue. free shop: freeshopkate, Janina
  • Wed. lunch: Maxime, Kate
  • Thu. lunch: ema, lips
  • Fri. lunch: antonin

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