Coordination Meeting

CoMe #350

  • Date: 2024-07-01
  • Facilitator: Janina
  • Notary: Tilmann
  • Physical calendar: Doug
  • Digital calendar: Janina
  • Todo board: Dorota
  • Weekly reservation sheets: Riell
  • Weather forecast: Kate
  • Present: Janina, Doug, Lui, Dorota, Riell, Tilmann, Kate, Rob

0. Check-in round

1. Last week review


usage graph last 90 days (Usage during the last 90 days)

  • Present: 10.6 people/day (+2.1)
  • 🌡️ Average outdoor temperature: 24.0 °C (+4.7 °C)
  • ⚡ Electricity
    • usage: 20.91 €/week (⬆️+12%)
      • of that for K20 warm water: 1.13 €/week
    • paid: -57.45 €/week
    • ☀️ self produced: 77% (⬆️+4%)
    • emissions: 14 kg CO₂ₑ/week
  • 💧 Water
    • paid: 18.45 €/week (⬆️+1%)
    • emissions: 1.4 kg CO₂ₑ/week


  • [Martin] 145€ for bicycle parts: spares, lights for Phoenix and Nathanael, shifter for Lightning, and a couple tools
  • [tilmann] 5€ for wall grinding pot (Schleiftopf) for angle grinder
  • [dorota] ~50€ for electronics


  • Maria 10€
  • donation box 25€

Things that happened

  • very dusty worksession in the staircase
  • table tennis session in the garden
  • parkfest Wurzen
  • Schleimkeim documentary at Punkrocktresen
  • gave food and bike cadavers to Wandergesellis
  • gave junk from the workshop to hardware for future
  • we extended our gym
  • fusion

Popcorn feedback

  • [janina] I programmed the dishwasher to run in the morning with solar power, but somebody started in in the middle of the night

2. This week planning

Weather forecast

  • _rather cool and rainy this week: ~11° at night, ~20° during daytime. gets warmer towards the end of the week.

Evaluations and check-ins

  • Lipa_FFJ24 Visitor: Days Visited threshold 36/21 (+71%)
  • Larissa Member: Days Visited threshold 201/180 (+12%)
  • Antonin Volunteer: Days Visited threshold 62/60 (+3%)


  • Monday
    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour [Janina]
    • all day - Cafe Hevalti @Leipzig [Rob]
    • evening - put out rest waste [Doug]
  • Tuesday
    • 12:00 - FGNW meeting @office [Janina]
    • 16:00 - Rob's birthday dance @ attic
    • 18:30 - Supermarket pickup x3 [Janina, Tilmann]
  • Wednesday
    • 13:00 - ??:?? 1 year anniversary @MitmachCafe
  • Thursday
    • 10:00 - 12:00 Freeshop 2nd opening start! [Kate]
    • 19:30 - Supermarket pickup [Janina]
    • evening - put out organic waste [Tilmann]
  • Friday
  • Saturday
    • midday - Supermarket pickup x2 [Tilmann]
  • Sunday
    • 18:00 - 'my selfish life' documentary @Leipzig [Doug might go]
  • Next Monday
    • 10:00 - CoMe + Power Hour [Doug]
  • Next week summary

Hats for the week

  • E-Mails:
  • Telephone:

Open Visitor Requests

  • none fully open, but many in progress with Doug, Kate and Janina

Shopping plans

  • [Rob] Oil, Kurkuma
    • Kurkuma might still be in the refill bucket
  • [tilmann] 6€ cement plaster

To do → done

  • [Martin] improved Ralf the letterbox

Discussion & Announcements

Round 1

  • [Janina] Please help with foodsharing pickups this week! Otherwise we might need to let some go...
    • Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Tuesday could also be an hour of childcare, because Tilmann and I are both signed up.
      • [Kate] I would like to help and can do childcare if it fits with vLaden, but not a pickup.
      • [Doug] Can do Thursday
    • Also: the next pickup dates are now in the time of our vacation so we won't sign up. Just a heads-up. :)
    • Kate, Rob and Riell are interested in becoming verified foodsavers as well.
  • [Rob] Nudity in KH/ Garden? especially about men being shirtless in the garden. should we have a vote?
    • [Doug] formally/legally it's okay to be shirtless and also naked in our garden
    • [Riell] some people would not come here if men are being shirtless
    • topic for bigger discussion

Round 2

  • [Rob] watering sign
    • new log of rain and watering happening in garden and Kleingarten
  • [Doug] Sven needs lifting help. Talk to me if interested
    • Dorota and Rob are up for it.
  • [Doug] Biowaste: Let's switch back to the default green buckets.
    • Main goal: not to have the buckets disappearing all the time.
    • They need to be brought up again right after emptying!
  • [Kate] Free shop Thursday opening are starting this week!

Task lottery & food planning

Default lunch serving time: 13:00 Default dinner serving time: 18:30 Free shop shift: ~14:30 - 17:30


  • Mon. lunch:
  • Tue. lunch: Rob, Lui
  • Tue. free shop: freeshopkate, Susi
  • Wed. lunch:
  • Thu. lunch: Janina
  • Fri. lunch: Kate


  • Mon. lunch:
  • Tue. lunch:
  • Tue. free shop:
  • Wed. lunch:
  • Thu. lunch:
  • Fri. lunch:
  • Week: Tilmann, Riell


  • Mon. lunch: Doug
  • Tue. lunch: Rob, Lui
  • Tue. free shop: freeshopkate, susi
  • Wed. lunch: Dorota
  • Thu. lunch: Janina
  • Fri. lunch: Kate

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