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Welcome to the Kanthaus blog!

The idea of the blog is to make knowledge available, to share content and educational material, to be able to learn and to teach.
Comment via e-mail, Mastodon or Mattermost (Click here, if you don't have an account on our Mattermost yet).
...and have fun! :)

Functional living

There is one aspect of Kanthaus life which is so natural to me that I sometimes forget to even mention it: Functional living. It means that rooms are attributed to purposes rather than people. There are rooms for sleeping, for office work, for building things, for making music, for eating, for cooking, for washing, for retreating and so on - but no rooms which are permanently occupied by individual people.

In Kanthaus every room is potentially used by everyone because every room is communal. This concept comes with great opportunities but also with some challenges...

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Some say the compost is a garden's heart. Physically speaking this doesn't apply to our compost. Hid...

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blog by Lise

The Kanthaus people would like to say a big thank you to all the participants of our wuppweek! The progress we made was great and we're looking forward to finishing the roofs this year. May that be the last winter with dripping investigations in the attics and a nightly waterfall in the staircase of K22!

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On the MoI frame

blog by Doug

In conversations leading up to MoI 2020, the purpose and the implementation of the Month of Introspection (herein MoI) have been regularly questioned. A specific point of unclarity is who is invited and why.

We had our first MoI (then MoC = Month of Calm) last year, largely copied from other communities who do a similar thing (e.g. Tamera). It felt like we needed it, and we enjoyed it so much we're doing it again soon :)

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In 2019 many things happened in and around Kanthaus. In the first week of January 2020 Lise, Janina and I took the time to go through last year's CoMe minutes, chat logs and photos to compile a short review. Here's what we got.

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Autumn is approaching and already paints the leaves... the change of seasons is evident. Shorty after the calendar showed the beginning of autumn Kanthaus held its (late) summer festival on September 28.

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Das Kanthaus stellt mehrere Wlan-Verbindungen zur Verfügung.

Bitte nutze das Wlan nicht für illegale Dinge. Unsere Gast-Zugänge sind in der Geschwindigkeit begrenzt: Denke an deine Mitmenschen und schau dir nur die Katzenvideos an, die dich wirklich interessieren :-)

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Wlan, Wifi, 802.11 oder wie auch immer ihr es nennt: Es geht um das Funkzeug, mit dem dein Gerät "zu Haus" oder sonstewo ins Internet kommt. Das, was zu Haus einfach aus nem Kasten kommt, wo das Passwort auf dem Klebi untendrunter steht.

Du hast es schon erahnt: Es geht auch komplizierter als so. Doch warum eigentlich?

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Aktuell sind Lithium-Ionen die vorherschende Batterietechnik. Die hohe Energiedichte ist gerade für leichte Akkus von Vorteil und ermöglichen erst Anwendungen wie das Elektroauto, welches mit anderen Technologien wie Blei viel zu schwer werden würde.

Mehrere einzelne Zellen werden jeweils zu großen Akku-Packs zusammengeschlossen um höhere Leistungen zu ermöglichen.

Das Problem dabei: sollte eine Zelle defekt sein muss meist das ganze Pack entsorgt werden, obwohl die vielleicht 40 anderen Zellen eigentlich noch vollkommen in Ordnung wären.

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We had talked about wanting to have a nice new logo for a long time already, but a few months ago Laurina and Doug started coming up with new ideas again. This started the process that in the end gave us this awesome and widely accepted new logo:

Decided after two rounds of voting with 9 points of acceptance

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