Exactly one month ago Tais and me started our Summer of Karrot and a few hours ago the pull request we have been working on got merged!
So what does this mean? It means that we took giant leaps forward in our journey to learn coding! :D
Today I was transferring coins from the Kanthaus donation jar to the cash box for the first time. Th...
The most in-depth press release about what we are a part of was finally released to the public!
Radio journalist Jörg Wunderlich spent months on diving into the sharing bubble and chose Laurina to be the main protagonist of his 30 minutes radio feature. We are humbled by his talent, flattered by his perspective and really really thankful for this portrait he painted of not only us, but the whole sharing movement.
It's summer! :D
The sun is out, it's nice and warm outside and people go on holiday. That's great, but also the reason for a lot of store coordinators of bigger foodsaving groups to worry about not finding enough people to reliably carry out pickups...
Introductions to who we are, what we do and why are often given here at Kanthaus and each person does that differently. Here is a filmed introduction, in order to allow you to prepare, get inspired or just procrastinate :-) and to possibly allow you to ask more detailed questions.