Retrospective: hosting die Kritische Psychologen
Date: 2018-04-23
Participants: Isabelle, Matthias, Tilmann, Doug, Laurina, Mrkvon
Facilitation/notes: Doug (summarized later)
Context: this was the biggest group of 'new people' to be hosted by Kanthaus.
Feelings: some felt a bit confused about the planning, but everyone enjoyed the event
- high usage of toilet paper/low adoption of hygiene bottle
- unfinished food and used plates lying around
- lots of personal plate washing/low plate reuse
- communication with the KritPsy group was done exclusively over phone, leading to confusion (e.g. that a group would come earlier to prepare the 22.)
- general introduction to kanthaus was not scheduled and then delayed
- not knowing moderators were coming and what relation they had to group
- not knowing clearly the aim of the group (i.e. group formation/building)
- no initial meeting to get to know people
- no simple document to let people know our costs
Possible changes:
- request groups to have a short 'get to know eachother' at the beginning of event
- request groups to decide how they want to cater for themselves
- have agreements in written form and shared with house and group before event
- request group to interact through Slack or email
- create a standard 'form' for applying groups (e.g. when, how many, why, etc)
- last people at table should clear table: late eaters can still get food from storage areas
- better advertise plate shelf
- create basic finance poster
- focus on positively describing desired behavior instead of requesting people not to do things (i.e. how to use a plate)
- cooking and eating together
- musical evening by fireside
- giving initial group the house tour and then they give the house tour to the rest
- hosting nice and interesting people
- feedback/appreciation round at the event end.